Bad for you part 3 ( Butters x Tweek)

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I can't believe I agreed to this!

Everything was going fine at lunch, until Craig yanked Tweek up onto his lap and more than obviously slipped his hands into Tweek's Jean pockets feeling up his upper legs.

That bastard's tryna embarrass him and piss me off.

Its working.

Tweek shook a little, hating being the centre of attention. He blushed a deep crimson and I could see him trying to pull Craig's hands from his pockets.

I roll my eyes and keep eating, along with the others at the table. But they seem more used to this kind of thing than I am.

I can hardly focus, Tweek is obviously not okay with this " S..soo what you guys got next?"

Clyde yawns " ask me about the weather, that's less painful"

I grin as he continued " math, unfortunately"
We all jump and drop our forks and spoons as we hear it. Tweak let out a subtle moan.
He freaks out right after, aware that everyone at the table heard it.

"AGH !!JESUS CHRIST! SHIT! What's w-wrong with yY-ou!?"

My face heats up as we try to change the subject and pretend it never happened.

Tweek jumps up from Craig's lap flicking his arm free from his.

Shooting him a glare with a glint of a forming tear in his eye, he didn't mean to make that noise.
He bit his lip shaking nervously before he stormed off to the boys room.
I frown as I watch him go.

" nice job Craig, you're in the shit house now" Clyde laughed

Token shook his head. It seems someone else at this table gets that Craig isn't right for him.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I stand up and give Craig a look as I pass, going after him.

He snickers and brushes it off.

Craig shrugged " hes alright. He just gets weird about stuff sometimes, how was I supposed to know he'd moan?"

Quickly I make my way to the boys room and walk inside, the sound of Tweek freaking out echoing into the hallway" Tweek? Hey fella you in here?"

Obviously I know he is, I can hear him. But I do it so he doesn't feel worse. He can't help how loud he is.

I walk over to the stall I know he's inside and whisper .

" Tweek its me Butter's, look... I dunno what he told you to make you two get together, but he's not right for you. Anyone can see it... What happened out there wasn't fair on you..."

I frown waiting for a response, it doesn't come so I keep talking. My fists clenched

" you deserve someone who puts you first, doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. Someone nice who won't embarrass you or try to make you someone your not"

I bite my lip...what am I saying?

" I'm always gonna be your friend dude."

I hear the door unlock and Tweek peeks out " B-Butter's ....I'm in o-over my h-head!"

I step inside and close the stall door over quietly " its okay buddy, I got you. You know your my best pal. Always have been!" I smile at him.
Tweek sniffles through tear stained cheeks and smiles back.
If all I can do is help him, then that's good enough for me.

At least it would have been...

" T-thanks B-butters.."

Tweek leaned in to hug me and I move to slow to meet it, his lips hit mine and we both stop.

We take a second to gaze at each other studying the expressions on our faces, considering what just happened. Standing embraced....

I guess we both  came to the same  conclusion of 'fuck it"....

because we gripped hold of one another and started passionately making out.

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