Skipping Gym part 6 ( Craig x Tweek)

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Tweek's POV :

I shake and hold my bag on my lap as we drive. I can't believe it! I'm in Craig Tuckers car!  The Craig Tucker!

I chance a glance at him, man he's hot.

He's looking straight ahead driving Cooley like its nothing. But all I can see is his muscular arms holding the steering wheel.
I day dream about what just happened to us, he got me away from Eric Cartman. I didn't even know he was following us.
Deep down I'm afraid he's planning something awful to do to me now that I'm in his car and we're going back to his place....
On the other hand...

I stare like an idiot for a few seconds before I realise he's noticed.

-AGH! Jesus Christ!-

"S-so...did your p-parent's get you this c-car?"
- damn it! That sounded like an insult!-

Craig smirked " nah, I bought it. I had a few part time jobs and I save a lot"

I nod stupidly and blush.

Craig glances over at me and smiled "you're holding onto that bag pretty tight Tweakers you okay?"

- Tweakers, you called me that twice now...I kinda like it-

I blush and laugh it off " its just, I..w-well...are you g-gonna hurt me?"

He looks at me shocked and stopped the car fast, damn I'm glad nobody was behind us.
Craig cleared his throat starting it back up " okay. Look Tweek... I'm not gonna do anything to you. Well not anything you don't want me"

He bit his lip as if thinking - did I say that last part out loud?-
He fumbled with the keys as the car started to move again.

I go five shades redder.
Nothing I don't want you to do- he said.

"I want you to do a lot."

I turn my head to him in terror at what I just said, my mouth open ready to deny it.

But all I can see is the reddening face of Craig Tucker.

Grinning perversely and staring back at me.

I stutter and twitch not knowing what to say to back track, but he simply kept driving without a word.

Slowly we pull up in his driveway and he steps out, I rush after him clumsily and drop my bag... Which he picks up for me and carries for me.

" calm down Tweakers I don't bite"

I blush again, at this rate my face is going to run out of room for the blood and its gonna burst out of my nose insone"d.

We reach his door and he shouts in "HOME!!" Standing there for a moment.
He looks around quietly at the doorway, I tilt my head confused "w-whats wrong?"

Craig shakes his head, a smile peeking on his lips " nothing, were alone I guess"

This makes my heart race. Why exactly is that a reason to smile?
I gulp.

Craig catches my collar and pulls me with him up the stairs passing a bunch of baby pictures of him I grin. He blushes " ignore those..."

"You w-were cute though"

I stop walking half way up making him turn and look at a picture of our class in forth grade " I remember t-this one, y-you always stood in the back" I laugh thinking of old times.

Craig blushed " yeah, I was tryna avoid a crush in the front row.. " he turned walking up without me.

I scan the front row...and there I am, twitchy tweak.

Of course he doesn't mean me.

" well come on Tweakers" he stood waiting at the top, a slight grin on his face with his hands in his pockets.

I turn away quickly , following him the rest of the way up.


Craig POV:

-oh my god he's adorable. How can he not get I mean him!? Do I have to say it!? Like actually out loud!? Shit dude just get the hint!-

Tweek is walking up the stairs to me, he stops and smiles when he reaches the top. "So w-wheres your r-room?"

I catch his hand quickly which seems to make him nervous , but I don't care.
"Craig!?...w-what's going on!?" He squeaked as I lead him behind me.

I'm done playing around.

I walk him down the hallway toward my room and turn pulling him inside closing the door.
He shakes a little behind me
" C-Craig?..."

I turn to him, my face heating up.

He backs away slightly, eyes wide maybe expecting a beating.

I take a breath as I walk toward him.
Tweek flinches and closes his eyes.
I smile, because he's too cute.

Slowly I lean in and press my lips against his.

He jumps and I jump back biting my lip.
His mouth drops and I see his cheeks glow as he slips sitting on the bed in shock stuttering " I...I..You.."

I roll my eyes and lean over him pressing Tweek into the bed, stroking his hair gently.

" I like you...a lot"

Tweek shook under me and stared wide eyed in disbelief, and it felt good.

"D-dont make fun of me Craig"

I grin and shake my head , my hair messily over my eyes.

" I like you Tweek, seriously"

Tweek bites his lip and I lean in to kiss him again, this time I press his body against mine and breathe in rolling my tongue along his.

I break away from him and he gasps a moan. I raise my eyebrow at him and tilt my head.
" oh Tweek, did you like that?"

Tweek POV:

-I fucking moaned, I fucking MOANED! Oh my god...Oh Jesus!-

I shake as he kisses me again curling my tongue along his, nodding to his question.

My hearts pounding in my chest.
God he smells good.
He feels good.

Then I feel it starting, I can't hold it in!
Oh god!
He's gonna notice I know it!

Craig jumps and grinned at me sliding his hand down.

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