Mirrors Part 4 (TxCxBxK)

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" you did what!?"

Craig clutched his tray of food and blushed.
Kenny whispered " I jerked us off, don't fucking yell it dude."

Craig groaned looking around before whispering " and why tell me this?"

Kenny smiled "Because, I asked Butters about Tweek. They're not a thing, didn't you get my text?"

Craig blushed and looked at him wide eyed. How did he know.
"No I didn't"
In truth he did, but he thought he was fucking with him.

Kenny broke the silence " butters told me he has a thing for you"

"Butters ?"

"Tweek you idiot"


They stare at each other a  moment. Behind Kenny, Tweek and Butters walk into the cafeteria. Butters glances at Kenny and grins blushing he whispered to Tweek excitedly.

Suddenly Craig believed him.

Kenny smiled " did they just come in?"

Craig nodded.

Kenny looked over at Butters and waved, butters shyly waved back.

Kenny smiled, Craig was dumbfounded he raised his eyebrow at him " I thought you said he was a whimp with a bland personality and even you wouldn't fuck him?"

Kenny put his chin on his hand " yeah I said that, I was an idiot" he happily spooned up some food and ate it.

Craig glanced over at Tweek, he'd been wanting to say something to him for so long. But every word he used always ended in flipping him off.

He sighed " alright fine, help me out. What do I say?"

Kenny grinned " dude, its like asking anybody out. There's no special trick just go over there and ask"

Craig flipped him off.

Kenny laughed " alright fine, write him a note, or give him your number like I did"

Craig bit his lip in frustration, he stood up "I'm going in..."
Kenny laughed " here, take this assault rifle looks like your about to run from a trench"
Craig shot him a glare " fuck off Kenny"
Kenny laughed shaking his head.

Craig swallowed his fears and walked over to the lunch line behind Tweek and Butters " ugh..."

Tweek jumped and turned " oh H-hey, I don't have a lot of l-lunch money today so..."

Craig flinched.

-He thinks I wanna rob him. Perfect.-

-How romantic.-

" no you idiot, that's not why I'm here..."

-Wait a go call him an idiot. That will earn me points.-

Tweek frowned and turned away twitching from nerves " okay then, s-sorry"

Butters glanced between them and over to Kenny who mouthed and moved his hands around to explain what Craig was up to.
He grinned and looked at Tweek who was oblivious, and to Craig who kinda resembled an angry cat in pain.

I guess he's trying to ask him out.

Craig shuffled a little " Tweek? "

Tweek turned again " W-what's up Craig?"

Butters gave a gentle push, knocking Tweek off balance letting Craig grab hold of him before he fell.

Kenny thumbed up to him.

Craig's face went red as he met Tweek's so close now they could kiss.

They both blush and stare. Tweek stutters a little and Craig let it slip in a monotone stream of words " I like you go out with me"

Tweek stood silent completely surprised. There was no way Craig Tucker would ask him out.


About 20 heads turn at once watching them.

Butters holds in his internal screams of happy for Tweek.

Tweek's blush reached maximum levels and he bites his lip with a nod.

Craig let him go quickly and steps back " okay then!.." He nervously walks in a circle avoiding the stunned girls who usually stalk him before finding the right path and gets back to Kenny.

Tweek turned to Butters in complete shock " D-did he r-really just a-ask me out?" Butter's nodded happily, a huge glowing smile grew on Tweek's face and he dared a look over at Craig who was holding one in himself.
Their eyes met for a moment and they both jump looking away.

Kenny grins at him and pats his arm " there ya go, wasn't so hard was it!?"

Craig flipped him off and smirked rolling his eyes " shut up Ken "

Hey guys ! My god I write too much o.o sorry if I blow your phones up with notifications lol quick question, who's your otp ^^

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