Bad for you part 1 (Butters x Tweek)

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Requested pairing ! If you have a request let me know ;) these two are adorable and I can't wait to write this.

Butters POV:

I try to see the best in people but...

I've seen the way he is with you, I hate the way he pushes you around. You deserve better.

Maybe I'm just jealous he's taking away my friend, that has to be it. I just miss hanging out with you fella.

I sigh on my way to the bus, usually we would hang out and sit together, I used to be the only person you wanted to talk to before Craig asked you out.
Now I sit on the bus alone, in lunch alone, in class alone.

Why can't we still be friends!?

I warm my hands in my pockets - sweet baby Jesus its cold- turning my head i see someone's coming up the street, I beam happily. Tweek walked over waving, holding his coffee in his Thermos that hung from a lanyard around his neck. I grin happily.

"Hey buddy, how you doing? Good morning so far?"

Tweek smiles " s-so far so good, no gnomes " he jokes and we laugh remembering old times back before high school when we used to play together as one giant group.

"W-whats wrong? You look kinda gloomy lately"

I hadn't realised my smile had faded until he said something " I'm not really sure, just been kinda low I guess"

"W-well you can t-talk to me anytime you need. You know that right?"

I smile and give a nod. In all honesty I wasn't sure what was wrong with me either. I've just been up and down in my head lately.

" hey Tweakers... Hey Butthead"

Tweak blushed looking a little annoyed at that "Craig don't call him butthead!"

Ugh. Great. This guy showed up....

Why does he bother me? What does Tweak see in this guy?

Craig put his arm around Tweaks waist pulling him closer into a kiss, dipping him in front of Butter's.

Tweek twitches " AGH! Jesus Christ! "

Butters rolls his eyes and blushed looking away " come on guys, that's a little much. Don't cha think? "

Craig grinned raising his eyebrow, he knew something about Butter's that he hadn't figured out yet and he was gonna make him pay for it with piles of PDA.

Tweak frowned " S-sorry Butter's... " he shook and smiled at Craig before glancing again back at his friend who was behaving oddly.

Butters turns his back to them, the bus finally arriving over the hill.

Just saw season 21 episode 2....I'm so happy right now ;) It's hard to contain the joy, especially since I've been trying to explain to someone they are actually together. Craig called him honey so many times ^^

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