Mirrors part 5 ( CxTxBxK)

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Butters went home with Tweek that night to hang out and talk about it.

Tweek was obviously nervous. first, he never expected his crush to go anywhere and second he was a raging mess of anxiety.

Butters tried to calm him down.
" I ordered pizza, and I brought a movie" he smiled at him " its okay Tweek really!"

Tweek groaned into his pillow, his heart pounding out of his chest " W-what if I'm b-bad at it!?"

Butters blushed " I thought I'd be too, but he did all the work"

Tweek peeked over at him, butters was on the floor by his bed smiling nicely at him " It's fine! Really all you have to do is be yourself"

The doorbell rang " oh that must be the pizza, hold on fella I'll be back"

Butters left to pay as Tweek groaned his face back in his pillow.

Tweek POV:

I hear him leave and I flip my face back into the softness.

- oh god oh Jesus Christ AH!-

I tremble. What if he's playing with me!? Did Butters tell him? What made him ask me!?

Ugh..I can't think straight. I need a coffee. Bad.

I hear the door to my room open and shut and I sigh " W-what kind of pizza did you g-get?" I mumble in my pillow.

A weight sits on my bed and I hear a cup land on my side table. I look up at the cup of coffee. " Butters, where'd you get that?-"
I turn my head " AGH! Jesus! Christ man!"

Craig is sitting at the end of my bed holding the pizza.

He grins at me under his messy black hair that spiked out under his blush hat. A tinge of red on his cheeks.

Butters you little fuck!

I sit up panicked " H-how did you get here!? "
Craig grinned " um..hi..and yeah..sorry. We thought you'd freak out less this way"

- you thought wrong-

" w-what do you mean!?"

Craig put the pizza down next to me, I watch him. His hands shaking.
I never would have thought Craig Tucker would be nervous too. I lower my tone a little, feeling a need to make him relax.

" Butters and Kenny  helped me set this up...its a date Numbskull "

My eyes widen and my jaw dropped.

I must look horrified because he starts to  ramble on.

" we thought you'd be too nervous to show up if...if you had to go a few days before and..we just thought..." He's blushing now, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away from me.

My eyes turn to the coffee and I can't help but smile. He knew I'd need that.
I grin at him and blush "thanks...I'm actually glad your here"

I see him light up as he turns back to me, strange that he looks so happy about that. Never seen that kind of smile on his face, and I half expected him to flip me off .

Just out of habit.

But he didn't.

I shakily take the box and open it grabbing a slice, he grins at me and takes one too " butters and Kenny went to see a movie by the way. He's not coming back if your wondering"

I nod as I bite down, not really caring where those two clowns went.

I'm gonna kill Butters for this later.

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