Camping out ( style x kenny)

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There's so many awesome fics on this site its crazy XD I'm glued to wattpad o.o no Cartman, dont want him in this one XD

"Got everything?"

"Yup, that should be it"

Kyle closed up the car and grinned at Stan " good, now we only need to stop for gas before we go"

Kenny flopped his hood back on and climbed into the back, his elbows resting on the front seats shoulders
"So how far away is it?"

"About 2 hours I think, right?" Kyle looked at Stan who checked his maps app " yup, about that"

Kenny groaned and flopped back in the seat.

They had planned to camp all summer and finally got the chance, the car was packed to the brim with tents, TARPS and food. Kenny jumbled up in the middle with a grin.

Blasting the radio they set off toward the mountains, stopping for gas on the outskirts of town.

"You guys want any snacks before we go?" Kyle grinned as he went to pay.

"Drinks, and chips!" Kenny shouted, his head sticking out of the car window.

Slowly they made their way up the mountain toward a trail they remembered going down as kids, a perfect clearing waiting for them by a stream.

They pulled up the car and hopped out to unload. Stan set up the tent , Kyle started gathering the wood for the fire while Kenny set up the camping equipment like the table and chairs before digging a fire pit.

" looks good Ken, you have a back for it" Stan smiled as he glanced up at Kenny, it was easy to like Kenny after all. Kyle dropped some wood next to him and went to grab more, crunching into the woods.

Stan beamed " There! Fucking done!"
He marvelled at his work building the tent. Kenny laughed " good job Stan you pitched a tent, I knew you could do it"
It took Stan a minute to get the innuendo, he turned to Kenny with his mouth dropped and laughed before he went red  " fuck you dude!"

" you can try" Kenny joked

Stan rolled his eyes waving him away.

Kenny laughed again as he started the fire. Kyle came back and dropped his second pile before starting to prep some food.

They ate the hotdogs and joked around the fire as it grew darker, fireflies surrounding the tree line. Kyle beamed watching them, occasionally pointing them out. Kenny and Stan both thought it was cute when he did that.
Lighting a joint up they passed it around taking in deep breathes and exhaling, the mood shifted to relaxed.


Kenny knocked back a beer, passing some around they chugged "member when we used to play fantasy battles?" Kyle laughed " I member..."

Stan chugged " member when we were all trying to return that one tape of lord of the rings to the video store but we didn't know it was porno and butters got all creepy?" they all laughed, holding their stomachs.

" shit dude I member that" Stan choked through laughter.

The fire began to smolder out, embers glowing as they shivered " its getting cold, maybe we should go in now" kyle asked as he rubbed his arms, Kenny nodded and yawned as he stoop up.

Inside the tent they curled up and slowly closed their eyes, Kenny's hands wandered over Stan " is it okay? I'm..freezing" Stan nodded blushing in the darkness and turned to let Kenny spoon him. Kyle shivered next to Stan and he outstretched his arms " come here dude, its warmer"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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