Wake Up Finale ( Craig x Tweek)

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I wake up.

My body feels numb and sore, I'm not really sure where I am. I tilt my head looking around the room, its white and cold a hospital?
I glance down, on my chest is a blue hat with a yellow puffball.
Suddenly it all comes back to me, and grip the hat tightly.

My fingers tremble, where is he?

I need to see him, I have to talk to him!

I sit up with a groan and stop.

Craig stood by the doorway, bags under his eyes looking like he hadn't slept in days. He must have just come in.
I stutter as my voice breaks " H-hey..." When was the last time I spoke?

He walks over putting a cup of coffee by the bed, I notice there's actually quiet a few empty ones there already " Hey.."

I glance at the coffee, unsure what to say  "..i-is t-that for me?" He nods.

I smile weakly, the air is awkward. Before I know it he's holding me in a arms.
" Tweak I'm so sorry, I'm a huge asshole! I didn't have the balls to stay with you and I left you to face Cartman and the others on your own, you can hate me as much as you like I deserve it! But please, please forgive me and let me love you!"

I'm stunned again, did I die ? This is impossible. Craig tucker loves me...he loves me.
My hands raise to his  back and I hold him , I feel him shake at my embrace. I guess he wasn't expecting me to.
He cried on my shoulder and I on his, I croak a response " Let's start over, okay?"
He laughs through his tears and sniffles "okay"
I let go of him and he sits on the bed smiling at me, the tears glazing his cheeks he coughs a laugh again.
I put my hand out to him " H-hi...I'm tweak..." He smirked and grins at me wiping his eyes and extends his to shake mine.

"Hey Tweak...I'm Craig Tucker... "

I lean in and kiss him, he pulls me close soaking in every part of each other. He breaks away, a softer gaze than I've ever seen on him before looks back at me and he smiles " I love you, I'll never leave you again"


It took a few months, but everything is beautiful.
I live at Craig's house, his family doesn't mind me being there. I'm legally free from my parents.

Cartman , Stan and Kyle went to juvenile court for attempting to murder me. Unintentional or not.

At school we hang out with Kenny and Butter's, now my two favourite people in the world besides Craig.

I can't help but imagine the future, a place of our own. A family.

Its all ahead of us now, everything that happened before is far away in the distant past.


Hey guys, first off, I couldn't see a sex scene in here. Just couldn't work it into the story. It didn't feel right giving the circumstances tweak was in, BUT! I like how it came together ;) thanks for reading this far! I can't wait to start the next story , its gonna be a Tweek x Butters o.o be prepared for adorable smut haha

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