Wake Up part 2 (Craig x Tweek)

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So it goes without saying, but all characters are 18+ in highschool and trigger warnings for abuse and torture throughout this story.

They like to pretend to the world that we are friend's, that they are only playing rough with me.

Cartman's arm on my shoulder only means one thing, I can do anything I want to you and get away with it.

I'm shaking again, eyes forward on the seat in front of me. Stan leans over the chair behind me and flicks my cheek " he's pretty quiet guys I think we're bothering him"
Cartman tilts his head and tightened his grip on my shoulder, I wince " are we bothering you tweak?"

I shake my head. Not making eye contact.

Cartman laughed and pushes my head a little " see he likes it we're not bothering him idiot"

Stan eyed my flask of coffee attached to the mesh of my bag by a clip and grins looking at Cartman who smiled and un-clips it.

Shit. There goes a good day.

He opens it as Stan grabs hold of me tightly pressing my back to the seat , I whimper and shake.

What's going on!?

Cartman grabs my hand and holds it in place over my leg, he slowly begins  pouring the searing hot coffee into my palm. I scream and squirm as it burns my hand and they laugh. I'm kicking now, the burning pain ripping through my skin.

"S-sto-!" Kyle shoves his hand over my mouth as I cry out for help, I can't explain the horror I feel.

He's doing it slowly to make it hurt more. The hot coffee is soaking onto my jeans burning my thigh, and I know they're secondary motion is to make it look like I pissed myself.

I hate them. I hate this. I'm tired.

I whimper under his hand as my tears  well up.

The bus driver shouts up " HEY! What's going on back there!?" Cartman stops quickly closing the flask and laughs as kyle and Stan let go of me making me fall forward gripping my injury " nothing! Just a titty twister gone wrong!"

The tears are silently streaming from my face and I shake uncontrollably. Cartman whispers in my ear
" AW its okay, its okay twitch let it out. I'm here for you."

my stomach swirls, I want to throw up. Then I feel the bus stop, and everyone gets up to go. Not me. I stay sitting. The last person to get off before me is Craig, he glances at me once as he passes by.

I sit staring at the chair ahead as the bus driver looks back "hey kid, you gotta get out"

I shake my head.

He nods in the mirror and closes the door " Take a second, then you have to go"

I shiver attempting to wipe my eyes and fix the damage. But I can't really do much. I stand up shakily and put my bag on my back.

Everywhere hurts now.

Hey guys, yeah its vicious, but this story has a lot of that. If your not up to it you are free to skip :) be safe in the world and always report people who hurt others.

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