Skipping Gym part 5 (Craig x Tweek)

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Hey guys! So I kinda got into writing this one yeah its a bit longer but the chapters are short so screw it ;)

Craig's POV:


I hurry down the hallway away from him through the crowd, glancing back at his messy blonde hair before he's gone.
- shit that was...did I almost kiss him?!-
I hold my hat to my head like I'm afraid my senses will fall off with it.

"Dude! Tell me you got a few punches in!"
I jump as Cartman ran up to me ...
well ran is an over statement. Let's say he trudged forward.

" what the fuck is your problem Cartman?" I ask angry now.

Cartman snorts " look Tucker, if you want that little bitch all to yourself then I gotta say, I'm not gonna back down easily"
I raise my eyebrow at him and look him up and down
" what are you saying? You like him?"

Cartman laughed hard and a few people passing look at us.
" fuck no dude! I ain't no sausage muncher! No! I like kicking the shit out of him"
Craig grits his teeth "fuck off Cartman, leave him alone"

"Or what?"

"Or I'll make you my bitch"

He stares at me for a second, never expecting anyone to say anything like that to him. He smirked darkly " like you could take me fucker"

He slammed my arm as he passed me going to class in the opposite direction. I sigh angrily holding in my temper as best I could. I couldn't afford to get expelled for fighting anyone again.

Not if it meant now that I was leaving Tweek to his mercy.


I hadn't seen Tweek for the rest of the day. Honestly I was starting to get worried. Where the hell was he?!

This was usually the time I would head to the school gym to work off my frustration, but today I just couldn't.

I had to confront it.

I was going to talk to Tweek properly.

I jump up from the school wall as I see Tweek nervously walking out heading to the bus, he sees me and stops for a moment twitching and hides behind his books.
I shake off the strange way he looked at me. After all I'm not known as the nicest guy in school.
I run over to him stopping him dead in his tracks. He shakes and bites his lip looking away.

" yo..."

- really? Really me!? That's all you could come up with?-

Tweek blinked in surprise "h-h-hey.."He twitched again and shook obviously freaked out.
I smile " wanna come hang out at mine?"
He looks taken aback by this and blushes a little. He tries to hide it behind his books , but nods quietly to which I am genuinely shocked.

I grin happily like an idiot , it only makes him blush more - yes! He's coming over! Sweet-
"awesome, I" I gesture towards the student parking lot.

He nodded and follows me without a word.

Kinda awkward. The whole thing.

But I'm too fucking pleased he's going to come with me to care.

I turn and point cooly at my car " this ones mine heh" I chuckle nervously.

He smiled  trying to look enthusiastic instead of sceptical" I-its n-nice!" I glance back at him and then double take.
Cartman was on his way over. Stomping through the snow with a grin on his face.

I whisper quickly to Tweek " get in the"

Tweek jumped.
That came out way worse than I meant it to.

I flinch at my tone " Tweakers, please?"

He follows my gaze and nods jumping in quickly. I open my side and get in before Cartman reaches us.

He smirks darkly at me as I pull out of the spot, Tweek trembled next to me in the passenger side too afraid to look at him.

I wasn't.

I flip him off with a grin as we drive away.

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