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Hi i'm y/n and this is my Life story- 

My mother calls down for you but your father is always mean so I had to  open your door and you walk down the stairs to your mother.You walked to your mother and she said "Y/n we are moving away from your father I don't care if you don't wanna move so deal with it so go get packed" so then I nodded and smiled happily and went upstairs but your window was open '  I never opened my window'  I thought.I ended up closing my window but not soon after I could feel heavy breathing on my neck but I knew that If I looked behind me it could easily kill me so I just elbowed it in it's stomach then I kicked it in the Face "Y/N! Did you drop something!?!?" My mom yelled "Yeah! Nothing broke!" I yelled back then the person got up " You little Bitch " He said and jumped at me but I punched him in the face. We fought for a little while till he cut a smile into my face so I threw him out the window and glass shattered every where outside . I heard my mom Run up the stairs "What happened Is everything alright!?!?!" She screamed " Its fine I just tripped and something broke the window" I said not looking at her,then when she left I went and tented to my face which would turn into a scar . I was packing all my clothes and items until I felt very tired and Went to bed, But As soon as I fell asleep I felt someone pick me up and took me away, Then everything went Dark as The night.

~time skip brought to you by your lover Jeff The Killer~

I had awoken to a loud sound of  video games?I  opened my eyes and there was a boy who looked like link but even cuter but when I tried to sit up I had felt someone push Me back down, but when looked to see who it was and it was a guy with a blue mask with black coming from where the eyes where.I started to panic then I screamed A loud high pitch scream That it even broke the TV and windows then white tenticals wrapped itself  around My arms and Legs then brought Me into the air and he said "why hello there my name's offender man but call me Smexy or just offender if you would like~" he sat Me down and he handed Me A black rose so I screamed even louder, but then someone smacked the guys hand and it fell then A tall dude with no face just like Offender but um,with no mouth Started Yelling at him so I took this chance to get the hell out of here. Before I could get to the door I ran into someone's legs so I looked up and it was a clown "AHHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I can since I HATE clowns. I started hyperventilating And the clown bent down to my level and asked "Are you ok?" Everything Was covered in spots. The eyeless guy Kneeled besides me and tried to calm me down But I just passed out instead.

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