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~your POV~

You woke up in pain very bad pain so you tried to sit up but somebody softly pushes you back down so you later in the medical bed.E.J was looking at you with a worried face and his mask off but you had to ask him " E.J where's Jeff " E.J never said anything but he picked you up bridal style and he took you to Jeff's room so you could see him.

~Jeff's POV~

"Uuuugh" I feel like I just came back from hell I sat up and looked around but nobody was there until somebody walked through the door and it was E.J and Y/N!. I was so surprised that I fell off of my bed "Oof" I said.

~y/N's POV~

E.J is still holding me in his arms since  he still won't let me stand up (srry for not writing well I'm just thinking of ideas from the top of my mind -_-)  for any reason but then when we walked in Jeff's room he fell off of his bed "Oof" I was giggling when he said Oof cause I have my reasons"hehehe" Jeff just stared at me then be just started to laugh. I asked E.J if he could let me sit down next to Jeff but E.I didn't want to but he Listened to me So he set me down next to Jeff and I ssmiled I crawled closer to Jeff and looked back at E.J showing him to leave the room and he did but Jeff was so confused "um.... Y/N what are you doing " he said starting to blush a bright pink but I didn't want him to say anything so I kissed him on the lips but he slowly melted into the kiss and he started to blush even more and so did I. We parted so we could breath after that long kiss so then I looked at Jeff and he looked at me. I stared to blush a deep red but Jeff slowly leaned forward but I couldn't move.As soon as Jeff stoped leaning closer he had basically me on his lap but I didn't mind so then Jeff started to say sorry so many times but it didn't matter to me I just know that he wishes that it never happened.

~Jeff's POV~
  I kept say I saying  sorry to Y/N because I didn't know that it would happen. I wanted to make sure she's ok but I as wanted more of her but she's already injured but maybe 2 thing is ok for me to do? I wanted to ask her so badly if she would let me but I was to scared to do it because she might hate me but I'm gonna do it because I love her so much ^_^ . I am scared to do it cause I've never done this to anybody.

~Y/N's POV~
I was getting scared of what Jeff would do but then Things....started to happen very quickly...

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