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Jeff's pov~
After I found y/n I grabbed my iPhone out of my pocket and called slenderp to come and get us.
~time skip cause i want to~

I set y/n down on her bed so she could sleep better and then I left the room

Y/n's pov
I woke up the next day and I was in my bed wondering how I got here but I remember someone picking me up so then I took a shower and got Dressed and went downstairs.I was greated by everyone but they had a worried expressions on their faces then I look on the floor and I saw my phone I had to pick it up and I went back to my room to fix it.You went over to your tv in your room and you started takeing it apart (is it possible to take a tv apart?)I went to the attic to grab some tools then I saw Jeff so I quitely walked passed him and there was red words on the wall (picture below).

He also had his knife in his lap so I quickly went back to my room but then he threw his knife at me and it hit me in the back of my arm so then I ran to the downstairs bathroom since I had to aid kit in my bathroom I locked the door so he couldn't get in.It was very painful to get the knife out and everyone left the house either going on mission for slenderp or on a killing spree but I think in the next kill for Jeffery right now.Once I got the knife out I started screaming and then Jeff started kicking the door down so I put medicine on the wound and wrapped it up with a bandage quickly but the medicine won't help much it will just help healing the wound.

I didn't have much time before the door would break down but luckily there is a window in the downstairs bathroom so I opened the window and jumped down.As soon as I jumped out Jeff broke down the door I had to start running really fast so he couldn't reach me and kill me but I could see E.J in the distance but that was like 50 feet and he was killing some little kids but as soon i started yelling for him I didn't notice Jeff Jeff was behind me so then he grabbed me and tackled me to the ground.

I knew Jeff wasn't in control of himself I knew I shouldn't have had don't all of this shit to him it's all my fault but before I could do something he said "y/n my dear you look so tired why don't you just go to sleep" I just thought of something and said "Jeff I wanna sleep but you keep bothering me I can't sleep if you keep bothering me " he was shocked for some reason.

I took the chance to run so I shoved him off and started to run to E.J he was going in my direction anyways so I started to yell for him "E.J HELP ME E.J HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME HELP ME!" E.J head me and he stared to run to me Jeff started to run after me again and he had his knife with him once again but he also had a lot of other knife with him.He aimed for my leg,head,and neck but he only got my back and leg I had to keep running and me and E.J we're only 1 foot away from each other.

~E.J's pov didn't expect that did ya~
I was killing a few lil kids so I took all of their kideys and walked back to the mansion but them I seen Y/N and Jeff is right behind her but we were 1 foot away then Jeff got her in the back and Leg.I put y/n behind me before she could get hit again but Jeff was 10 feet away from us so I took off my hoodie and ripped it in half then I said "Y/N this is gonna hurt cause I'm gonna have to do this fast okay and just squeeze my arm if it hurt okay " she nods her head yes and now Jeff was 6 feet away so then I pulled out the knife out of her back and wrapped her wound with one of the half's of my sweatshirt and I did the same with her leg then Jeff was in front of me so then he started to rage.I grabbed my scaple from my pocket and then he charges for me but I stabbed him with my scalpel he screamed in pain then I grabbed his knife before he could stab me and I hit him in the back of his head so then he passed out.I called slender to some here and he did he said "hello children what happened here" I don't know what happened first so I just said Jeff started to attack Y/N and then me And Jeff had a fight.Y/N was passed out from blood loss so slender teleported us to the medical services on the basement I set 
Y/N down on one of the best and started to work on the wounds.After I was done with Y/N 's wounds I went to fix Jeff's wound I did to him but all I needed to do was stich his wound up and he was okay.

My friend had the idea for this chapter and I won't be making long chapters this week cause of school and homework. Bye~

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