ch.4 Girlfriends and boyfriend?

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After dad had killed "The rake" He had E.J fix Jeff. 'It's my fault Jeff's hurt . If I just stayed inside this wouldn't have happened to him ' I thought but I felt a Tap on my knee cap so I looked down and I saw a little girl "Hi! I'm Sally. Do you wanna see Jeff?" Sally said and I nodded my head yes but before I could walk she started dragging me to the infirmary to Jeff.  "There you go Miss Y/n" Sally said and left, So I walked up to Jeff and I noticed he was asleep. (3) I sat down next to Jeff and Grabbed his hand (Jeff has eyelids in this story) then thought ' It's my fault your like this... I'm so sorry Jeff' Buy I felt a hand wipe tear's off my face "Why cry Y/n?" He said so I traced my finger over his palm and said ' It's all my fault your like this Jeff'.

Jeff looked at me then sat up and I felt His arms wrap around me " It's not your fault Y/n,Trust me" Jeff said and I started crying. ' I'm such a cry baby's I thought and I stopped crying after a few minutes then I yawned since I haven't slept in a while. I felt Jeff lift me up and set me next to him as he laid down " Sleep Y/n I won't let anything hurt you" Jeff said 'What happens if Something hurts you?' I traced on his palm " I'll survive and keep you safe" He said so I fell asleep.

~A few weeks later~

Me and Jeff were talking until he interrupted me  "Hey Y/n um...Do you wanna be My girlfriend possibly?" He asked " Yes!" I replied yelling a bit to loud but I stopped talking and I hugged him then he hugged back

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