Ch. 14

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Hey guys this is going to be a very long chapter so get confrontable also Im ending the book at ch.20-25 so DM me your OC'S plz if you want them in the book. anyways Enjoy!!!


It once felt like hours but hours turned into days. Days turned into months and months felt like years as I was trapped in the black world. I saw a Bright light as I started running to it I saw a Bloody ceiling and I moved my head and saw a Blue mask but it was all a blur. "Your awake Y/n. It's been a few years glad your alive."
"Um i'm sorry am I supposed to remember you?" I pretended "Well yes but I am E.J took care of you while you were Half Dead. Just rest but quick question do you remember anyone else?" "Yes I do I remember you E.J also I remember everyone else you know " I replied. " Hey E.J can You tell everyone I lost my memory please? I want to start over with everyone '' ''Sure but you already know that your Father already knows about this right?" "Yes I already know that".

E.J helped me Get some clothes then I got dressed while he looked away " I'm done E.J" " Ok good now let's go see everyone" " Okay..." I replied with a sad tone " Don't worry I won't let Jeff hurt you again" "Thank You E.J thank you so much" I said Hugging him and I felt him jump a but he hugged back. We made it out to the living room but before I could sit down everyone tried to hug me and they were all yelling things that I couldn't hear. I jumped on E.J's back holding onto him tightly " You guys are scaring Y/n! She's scared of you guys!" E.J yelled then everyone went silent besides Jeff asking "What do you mean she's scared of us?" He said "She can't remember any of you guys!" E.J yelled then I loosened my grip on E.J but I didn't let go. I had to keep acting like i'm scared " Jackie I'm scared" I whispered while shaking a bit " I'll take you to my bedroom Y/n" "Okay Jackie" I replied smiling a bit then E.J started walking to his bedroom. Sally stopped us " Hey Jack Can I come with you guys Please!" Sally said in a happy voice then E.J looked at me and I nodded my head yes "Sure Sally" he said and we walked to E.J's bedroom.

"Hi! I'm Sally Williams! I already know you tho" Sally says trying to give me a hug but I move against the Wall away from Sally "Sally careful remember she is scared of you plus you have blood on your dress" "Oh yeah sorry Jack" Sally said replying to E.J . After a while of Sally talking she left while made me and E.J be alone "Hey Jackie?" "Hm? What is it?" Do...Do you think you could find out why Jeff broke up with me? I'll repay you" "Fine now stay in here and rest for a bit" "Thank you so much Jackie" I replied with joy and I got under E.J's covers and fell asleep. I had been woken up after a few hours from Ben trying to pull my shirt up so I did what I thought was right. I smacked him across the face but when I turned on the light it was a darker version of Ben, his skin was gray and so was his outfit. His eyes were like Ben's but Instead of attacking I screamed as loud as I can until the person covered my mouth "Shhhhhh they can't know I'm here." The guy says then I hear a knock on the door "Y/n are you ok in there?" "Yeah...I'm Fine I'm just going back to bed" I said then they walked away "Good, Now will you listen to me?" The guy said so I nodded my head yes "Good, now I'm not gonna hurt you I'm here to WARN you about 'HIM'" "Who are you talking about?" "'HE' should not be named but don't tell slender man but 'HE' is coming after you now... Just say 'DL' if you need me or your alone and want to chat" Then he dissapeared in a flash. About a few seconds later E.J came rushing inside the room and looked around "Be honest Y/n. Were you talking to someone that's not with us? Or we don't know about" E.J asked me but I just shook my head no then he left.

~a few days later~

"DL" I said out loud then Dl appeared behind me "Yes Y/n? You needed me?" "Yes, but I just have a few questions for you DL " "I will answer the best I can for you" "First What does DL stand for, Second Does slender man know about you, and third will you play video games with me?" I asked and DL stares at me for a second then replies saying " DL stands for Dark link, no slender man nor does 'HE' so I'm by my self and sure" I process what he says then I turn on my (G/C) (Gaming console) and I hand DL a controller then we start to play (F/G) (Favorite Game) until Jeff barges inside the room "Y/n I'm sorry- WHO IS HE YOU SLUT!" He yells and I feel tears threatening to fall " Don't you Dare talk to a girl like that Jeffery Woods!" DL yells and starts to get up but I grab onto him and I just hold DL back. E.J grabbed Jeff but he didn't see DL thank Zalgo but When D.L tried to cheer me up I didn't feel like Being happy so me and D.L were just laying on my floor and I was laying on his chest then D.L was humming me a lullaby to get me to calm down. It took around 5 minutes for me to calm down and to stop crying " You ok now Y/N/N? " "Y-Yeah... I'm fine now... Thanks D.L" I said replying to him. Hey D.L can I sing you a song?" "Sure whenever your ready Y/N/N" He replied.

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