short Halloween special

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" D.L!!!" " Yes Y/n? " "Can you get me candy pleaseeee" " No " "Pleeeeeaaaaasssseeee " I said No" I argued with D.L but In the end he won then he disappeared. I layed in bed since Jeff was trying to beat Ben and Jane was trying to get me to leave my bedroom "Come on  Y/n You gotta come out your bedroom "noooooooooooo" I yelled "I'm to lazy to get out of bed!!!!!!" "Y/N GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" Jane yelled and I could hear footsteps  and Jane was whispering to someone so I walked up to my door and Tried to listen "Jeff she won't come out you gotta get her out-" "Don't even have to tell me" Jeff said to Jane and I could hear my door unlocking so I hid behind my door and I watched it open 'I got my fake vampire teeth in now hehehe' once Jeff entered the room enough he walked over to my bed and I jumped onto his back and I "Bit" his neck "WTF" Jeff Yelled "hehehe" I whispered and I jumped off his back. Jeff turned around and looked at me "..." There was silence in the room so I started to go to my window and I was slowly opening it "What are you doing Y/n" Jeff asked "Nothing..." I said as I was half way out the window "Y/n no" "Y/n Yes" I replied as I "Jumped" out of my window but I was really on the roof "GOD DAMMIT Y/N GET BACK HERE" I heard Jeff yell "ah this is one beautiful Halloween Night " I said to myself as I laid down on the roof waiting for Jeff to find me. 

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