Ch.13 good ending?

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~your POV~

Jeff had set me down on my bed and slammed my door shut. Do I know? No, I don't but I got up and got dressed in shorts, a tank top, and leather gloves with Brass knuckles under neath. Once I got dressed I put my  (h/l) (h/c) up (If you have short hair ignore that) up in a Hair bun then I exit my room wih my crutches and get down the Stairs looking at Ben which he finishes his food and comes over to me " Hey ben can you distract Jeff and E.J for me then please keep E.J out of the medical room for me? I'll get you a new gaming set" " Ok deal." Ben replied then he went to go distract E.J and Jeff. Once ben gave me a thumbs up I went to E.J's room and started working on getting my cast off even tho my ankle isnt fully healed.

I soon got my cast off and ran out of E.J's room quickly and quitely then I looked at ben and nodded my head then I went back up to my bedroom and quickly opened my window then I heard loud foor steps which they were either Jeff,L.J, or E.J so I knew I have to hurry so I jumped out of the window and closed it then my bedroom door slammed open. I sat on the roof with my feet hanging over the ledge of the roof "(Y/N) WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO!?!?!?!?!" I heard E.J and Jeff yell then Slender appeared next to me wrapping his tentical around my waist and teleported to his office. ' child why did you run off and Take the cast off when you ankle plus use ben as a distraction?' " slender come on its been a long time since I had the cast off plus Jeff never let me walk around with the crutches E.J gave me plus Jeff treats me like a Fucking child! I can't stand it at this point! I just Wish I wouldn't be treated like this Slender I can't Stand it at this point!" I Yell out of stress ' I understand that child and I shall talk to Jeff about it but you must let E.J put a cast back on' " Hell. No. Sorry slender but I'm not letting Him put it back on even if Im forced I can just take it back off Im not dealing with that fucking Bullshit agai-" I was cut off my mouth being covered by a damp cloth 'Shit' I thought Then I passed out.

~A few hours later~

I woke up on my bed with the stupid Cast on" Fuck zalgo what the hell. . ." I said cursing to myself " Good... Your awake finally" "AH FUCK E.J!!!! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL YOU BITCH" I yelled as he walked over to me "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING IN HERE!"  I yell as I try to get up but I was strapped down besides my ankle which has a cast on it " Wasn't my choice to strap you Down even tho you wouldn't be able to run- Ow" E.J said but before he could finish I kicked him with my Cast which was easy since I was very flexible. While E.J went to go get me food I tried to escape, Which I Tried but Failed Key word TRIED. So I just ended up with marks on my wrists from the rope " FUCKING HELL GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I yelled over and over for someone to let me out of the rope but nobody showed up. Soon enough I just tired myself up and fell asleep but once I woke up with felt like minutes I was met with Smile child  and since I remembered I had my casted ankle free I kicked him behind the knee and he fell then hit his face on the floor, I started laughing like crash but he only glared at me then left. Once Jeff left Jane came in and we talked but what shocked me is "Did Jeff tell you?" "Tell me what?" " oh my zalgo he didn't tell you!" "No? Should I be scared?" I replied as Jane untied me "He said he was gonna break up with you for Nina when you woke up. He didn't even explain why" When Jane said those words My heart fell into a million pieces.

Break up with you

Break up with you

Break up with you

Break up with you

Break up with you' 

I started crying without myself knowing " Don't worry Y/N you'll find someone better then that Jerk. Jeff isn't worth your tears." I looked up at Jane and nodded then She helped me up and we went to her room to watch a movie but when we got inside I saw Sally and HER. Jane told Nina to leave as I got Pissed off and even more upset.

~A few weeks later~

Me and Jane were in E.J's room getting my Cast off but I never said a word. E.J got the cast off after a bit so after that I just went straight to my room and Jane followed "wanna go on the roof Jane?" " Sure, why not" She replied as we climbed out my window onto the roof  and sat down where I had a little picnic set up with beer,wine, Sparkling water, and lots of healthy food and maybe some cupcakes and cake "what's all this for?"Jane asked " For helping me when Jeff broke up with me and to have a little girls night out on the roof" "Well thank you" Jane replied to me as we told stories and just talked about life as we ate. We were up on the roof for about 3-4 hours relaxing until we Went back In to go to bed.

~the next morning~

Jane had to leave for 4 weeks on a mission and Sally had better things to do but when I went to go ask Clockwork I saw her spending time with Toby, I sighed and Went back to me bedroom where I was alone... Nobody but Myself and my thoughts.  After hours and hours I started to talk to myself ' just me and my thoughts...not to ba-'






I started crying and crying while thinking of those words until I felt my (Small weapon like knife or daggar) so I pulled it out "Maybe just 1 cut?" I said softly as I rolled up my sleeve and put my (knife or dagger) to my wrist and I put pressure against the knife as It cut my arm but It was slightly painful so I kept going until I felt light headed so I grabbed my first aid kit and put bandages on my arm then I heard knocking on my door " Y/N it's Breakfast" " Tell slender I'm not Hungry this morning" After that I just laid in bed not leaving my bedroom until What felt like minutes really was hours  I felt my stomach rumble but I just ignored it  ' don't need to eat' I thought as I started thing of food ' NO! STUPID BRAIN STOP IT' I kept thinking until I got bored and fell asleep.

~Lunch Time~

Knock Knock Knock "Y/n its lunch" I awoke from the knocking "Go away i'm trying to Sleep!" "Jeeze ok ok" they replied back as I went back to sleep but I was interupted by Jack and toby Trying to Get inside my bedroom " GO AWAY JACK , TOBY" I yelled then they went away ' Now I can't sleep Jeez Can I just die- oh my gosh I can,But wait somebody would try to stop me...Oh well' I thought as I got up and grabbed a F/c hoodie then put my knife in the pocket. I unlocked my window and jumped out not even caring if the knife stabs me.After I jumped I started walking very far from the mansion until I saw a open field filled with flowers but I saw somebody who I thought I would never see was offender Picking roses " What are you doing around here y/n? " Offender asked " I just wanted out of the mansion for a bit" "Don't lie to me" Offender replied " Did you forget I cann read  your thoughts also hand over the pocket knife" "heh what pocket knife" I said nervously but I forgot that he had tenticals, so he slipped though my hoodie and took the blood covered open pocket knife 'shit' "Why do you cut y/n? Why do you wanna die" He asked " Its nothing uncle offender" " It is something if you wanna die" He replied as he moved closer and kneeled down to my level  " y/n just tell me our I will let your father know" " go right fucking ahead You guys can't Fucking stop me now fuck off!" I yelled snatching my pocket knife away from
Him then Started walking off. Uncle offender teleported in Front of me then when he tried to grab me I stabbed him without thinking then I ran off. ' Why can't I just die in piece ' I thought as I continued to run and run without looking back.

After a while of running I saw an open field so I decided to Rest. " Finally I can die" I said to my self and walked to the center of the open field and I stool holding my Sharp pocket knife In hand. I put the knife up to my throat, But right when I was gonna end my self I heard somebody yell "Y/N STOP! PLEASE DON'T DO IT Y/N! WE NEED YOU!" then I heard a little girls voice "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME Y/N!". I put a lot of  pressure on the knife and I quickly slid it across my throat. The next thing I saw was blood everywhere and then The last person I never thought I would see was Jeff crying and trying to stop the blood from flowing.

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