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~After you woke up and Slender told you everything~

' So your telling me that your my father?' I thought "Yes" Father said but then there was 3 knocks on the door "Come in Laughing Jack" Dad said to him and the clown entered the room so I just got up and hid behind dad clinging onto his chair.

"What do you need laughing Jack?" "Jeff and Jane are fighting once again and are breaking things" " I will take care of it once I help y/n" dad replied  ' Is the clown gone dad?' "Yes he's gone and his name is laughing jack or L.J for short" 'Can I leave now dad?' "Yes but I want to introduce you to everyone after" Dad said as he held my hand and we teleported to his living room and tenticals came from his back and grabbed 2 people who I'm guessing the girl is Jane and the boy is Smile shit/ Jeff " ENOUGH!" Dad yelled and there was a very loud static.

I covered my ears but it soon  went away and everyone went silent. Dad started to introduce me to everyone but I just hid behind him "Everyone this is my daughter Y/n. Nobody shall do any harm to her or else now please try to get to know her." Father said and teleported away leaving me in front of everyone.

After a few minutes of silent everyone was talking to each other then I was randomly teleported onto the roof and that sent a lot of alarms though out my head but soon after I saw the sun rise so I Sat down . I watched the sun rise into the sky for a while until I saw My pocket knife on the roof so I grabbed it 'What is my pocket knife doing up here?' I thought.

I soon saw Jeff and Jack walk outside yelling my name so I took this chance and I threw my knife and it hit Jack in his arm "Who the fuck did that!?" He yelled so Jack and Jeff started to look up and around until they saw me so Jeff yelled " How the hell did you get up there" So I just shrugged. After a few minutes dad teleported up to my and he teleported me back to his office " Child how did you get up onto the roof?" dad asked so I just shrugged then he let me leave 'Hey dad wheres my room?' " 3rd floor last room to the left"  'thanks' I replied and started walking to my bedroom. I saw a door with f/c and my name on it so I walked inside and saw everything I owned in the room 'Thank you Dad' I thought and I looked around and Saw a walk in closet and a bathroom connected to my bedroom.  I went to my closet and got out F/c leggings, F/c Tank top and Black combat boots. After I got my outfit I went to my bathroom and stripped off my dirty clothes and took a shower.

~After Your shower~

Before I got out of the shower I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my chest and stepped out only to see Ben. I Punched Ben in the face and Ran out onto the living room then Jeff saw  me with just my towel "Hey kid what happened?" Jeff asked but I couldn't talk since I screamed so I grabbed his hand and traced "B E N". Jeff got pissed off and  Went to find Ben then Jane came up to me and ended up taking me to my room. Jane Checked to make sure Ben Left then She let me get dressed and when I was finished  Jane had left so I went back to the living room and I went onto the porch. While sitting on the porch I saw the Thing that looked like a hairless cat ( the RAKE) but I didn't wanna move to see what it was, But me being stupid I still got up to see what it was.

I should have paid attention to my surroundings cause As soon as I got off the porch I got tackled by the Thing and it started to scratch and screech at me. I Punched and kicked  it until it got off me but It didn't until It screeched and Ran off then Jeff came over to me running helping me up until The thing tackled him.

~After the fight and 5 hours later~

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