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I woke up and I felt heavy breathing by my neck so I turn on my other side and I see Jeff starting to wake up "Morning Jeff" I said quitely "Morning Y/n" Jeff responded 'Damn his voice is so Fucking hot' I thought but soon rembered that slender could hear my thoughts so I stopped thinking  of it. After a short amount of time Jeff had left my bedroom and I went to go take a nice long bath. Not even 5 minutes into my bath listening to my own music on my phone I could hear foot steps come up to my bath tub so I cover myself and once the curtains are pulled away I splash water at whoever it is and scream. Once I see who it was I saw Ben "BEN GET THE FUCK OUT YOU PERVERT" I screamed and covered myself more as he glitched back into my phone. I hear Jeff bang on the door so I get out of the bath and wrap a towel tiny over my body shaking,then I open the door and I see Jeff and I hug him with one of my arms and he wraps his around my towel covered body. "Are you okay princess?" Jeff asked but I didn't respond and I just burried my face in his blood covered white hoodie "let me guess it was Ben wasn't it" Jeff asked and I nodded my head yes and jeff let go of me "I'll go deal with him okay?" He said and I nodded my head again and Jeff left to go deal with Ben.

Jeff the killer X Reader Now and ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now