Christmas SPECIAL

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Hey Guys so the begging of the chapter might not be on topic but the ending is and i had my friend


I woke up from smebody pouring really freezing cold water on me, so I got out from under the covers and sat up seeing, a white hoodie leave my room "JEFFERY WOODS GET YOUR FUCKING ASS HERE RIGHT NOW" I scream, but he dosent come so I get dressed,  slam my door open, and walk down stairs "hey babe" Jeff said but I slapped him across the face. Everybody looks over at me and Jeff "y/n why Did you slap him" Masky said "It's none of your concern" ( bold=you     normal=masky") "You sti-I DON'T GIVE A FUCK JUST SHUT UP YOU STILL HAVE NO RIGHT TO SLAP HIM! MASKY JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP NO Y/N YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU KNOW WHAT I WISH YOU HAD DIED!" I froze in my place but I had ran up to my room slamming the door lockimg it and grab a knife then smash the window and ran to the town.

~time skip~

I reach the house I've been wanting to kill the people in so I climb in through the window into sierras room (you can change the name if you want) and I went over to her bed.I covered her mouth just as her eyes opened and she started to scream so I sliced  her throat wide open and just then the parents barged in with some police men.The police men put handcuffs on my wrists and pushed me into the car.After a few hours of driving they grabbed me and walked me into a mental hospital and put me on a straight jacket I was not happy that they put a straight jacket on me so I tried to get it off but fail.

~time skip 5 years~

~??? P.O.V~

Ah finally she is finally going to get let out of that stupid mental hospital but once she leaves she will end up with the power of darkness and the grass,fire,water,and one of her powers I do not know...

~Y/N P.O.V~

I hate acting sane it sucks I've had to act sane for 2 fucking years but I finally get to leave this place "it's time to leave mrs.l/n" the guard said so I stood up and they took off my straight jacked and I was so happy but I didn't wanna show it. I walked outside and I forgot I have to shoes but now I feel this strange spark inside of me "woah" I said as I start flying into the air.I make myself stop flying and I walk to the store since they gave me 1,000 dollars so I can get myself some food and clothes soon I reach the store and I buy a black outfit and it only costs 100 dollars for the outfit "hm... black or dark purple " I say to myself look in at finger less gloves "BLACK IT IS!" I quitely scream to myself and i grab them and have the money to the cashier.I float into the air and a knife appears in my hand and started fly in to the creepypasta mansion
~time skip to the mansion and its christmas eve!~

I wait till it gets dark and I teleport into my dad's bedroom seeing him look at a picture of me "dad?" I say quitely and he looks at me "y/n!your back" he slightly yelled as he hugs me "dad not so loud I'm back and I wanna be a surprise to everyone tomorrow is that ok dad?" I said he nodded his head yes and I teleported to mine and Jeff's room and he's asleep so I Change my clothes into a red dress that has red in them

~in the morning~

Me and dad were making pancakes with sprinkles until uncle splendor came downstairs and saw me *gasp* "uncle splendor don't scream my name I'm a surprise so shhhh" I whispered and he nodded then hugged me and helping me and dad with the food.I set the table and then I went into a box that uncle splendor said I could pop out of like a jack-in-a-box but he would wrap it up and when he plays l.j's song I would pop out the box.Once every body was downstairs uncle splendor was finishing putting holes in the box so I could breath (this took me at LEAST 5 days to write with also finding ideas) and I had to wait for everybody to be done eating.After everybody was done eating They opened their presents and I was the final one."Children this is th final present and I hope everybody mostly Jeff will like this *plays l.j's theme song*" I'm really nervous mostly because of what I did t- *pops out if the box * "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I scream and everyone even Jeff and sally were shocked "Y/N!" They all scream and they get up and hug me "I missed you to guys" I say softly then teleport away and on uncle splendors back I giggle at the fact that they don't know where I went until they looked at uncle splendor.I looked at Jeff with a sad expression and I teleported off of uncle splendor then appeared next to my dad.Jeff looks at me like I didn't do anything so I walked up to him and said "Jeff.....I'm  sorry I didnt mean to slap you even tho that was 5 years ago...I was blinded by my anger that I slapped you even tho I didn't mean to hurt you" Jeff was surprised that I said sorry "it's ok y/N " Jeff said.I was shocked by Jeff hugging me then masky comes up behind me with a pie and smacks me in the face then masky starts giggling so I teleport behind him and my eyes turn e/c  instead of e/c then masky looks around till he turned around "BaD IDeA M-m-MaSKy" I said ss my voice sounded kike it was glitching so I threw him out the window and he slams into a tree "ow" masky said "M-M-mERRy ChrISTMaS!" I scream and my eyes turn back to my normal e/c


1062 words for this Christmas special welp I hope you enjoyed this Christmas special I thought I was gonna get this finishes well hope you guys enjoyed :3

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