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I woke up on a hospital bed and I saw the clown Poking me but I was about to scream but I couldn't ' Just great I lost my Fucking voice- OMG it's the clown again!' I quickly thought and I sat up and tried to move away but I couldn't since the clown grabbed my waist and tried to make sure I stay. I punched the clown in the face and got up then Ran out the door "Hey! Girl stop running!" It yelled but I couldn't stop or else the clown will get me " JACK GRAB HER!" The clown yelled as the eyeless guy looked towards me. I stopped when I was close enough and I moved to the side,but The clown didn't stop running so he can into The eyeless guy and they fell down. I took this chance to get into a room and lock the door looking for the window 'There it is!' I thought but as I was trying to open the window the door started to break 'Shit Shit shit shit!' I thought as I looked for a weapon so I saw a knife so I used it to smash the window and I jumped out forgetting about my pocket knife.

~time skipppppppp~

I continued running through the woods until I saw a cave so I Ran and hid into the cave. I was breathing heavily, Until I started hearing static 'what the hell is that noise? It's so fucking annoying' I thought but a few seconds later I saw a tall faceless man a few feet away from me, Looking at me. I lowered my head and pulled my knees close to me and put the arms around my legs "I will not hurt you my daughter" The tall faceless man said I looked up and started to pull the knife out but it was knocked out of my hand by a Tentical "There is  no need for weapon daughter" He said then everything went black.

Jeff the killer X Reader Now and ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now