Chapter 6

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"I. Feel. Fat." I told Wade. "Baby-boy, you're not fat! You are caring our beautiful babies!" He told me. We were laying on the couch with me in between his legs. Our hands were interlaced over my stomach. "Well I feel fat." I said. "Look on the bright side, it will all be over with soon." He told me. "One more month." I said rubbing my bump. "Moving on, what would you like to do today? We have the tower all to ourselves, and it's Valentine's Day." Wade said. "I don't know." I said. It was quiet for a little bit us both thinking. "Do we really want to move out? I mean once the facility upstate is done, every Avenger is going to have their own house. Plus then we could just have Pepper or Happy watch the kids or each watch a kid. And we wouldn't be too far from family." I said. "When is it going to be done?" He asked. "I think they just need to move furniture and all of that into everything. I'll ask Dad." I said. I pulled out my phone and sent dad a text asking him when we could move uptown. It was a few minutes later when I got a face time call request. "Hey guys!" Pops said behind Dad. "Hey." I said. "Well, the last few pieces of furniture are being moved in right now. So I think we'll be able to move in within the next few days." Dad said. "Really?" Wade asked. "Yep! The house for you guys is done I'm pretty sure. I had one of the rooms turned into a babies room. We're going to check on it right now so yeah tomorrow you guys will come up here so that the movers can get everything packed up and moved up here. Ok got to go love you guys bye!" Dad said then the screen went to my home screen. "I guess that we're moving tomorrow."


"Woah." Wade said. "The builders wouldn't have finished the original plan in time so this is what you get." Dad said. "Wait what?!" I ask. "This wasn't the original plan?!" Wade finished my thought. "No, the original plan was four floors but they could only get two done for now." Pops said. We just stood there looking at the extravagant house.

All of the houses were located about 15 minutes in the forest from the new Avengers headquarters forming a little community

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All of the houses were located about 15 minutes in the forest from the new Avengers headquarters forming a little community. Our house was in between Dad and Pops and Uncle Bucky, Aunt May, and Parker's house.

Apparently they got engaged at Christmas and are going to get married in August. I didn't think that May would get remarried after what happened to Uncle Ben but I'm glad that she is.


"Get these damn kids out of me." I told Wade. We were at my parents house visiting Dad since he had my little sister a few days ago. "Trust me you won't want them out when you go into labor." Dad said while holding Peggy. "You know, I'm glad that you called her Peggy. I always loved Aunt Peggy when she was alive." I said. I sat down next to him hoping that the pains that I was getting would calm down. "We all did. That's why we called her Peggy." Pops said. We spent the day together as a family with the other Avengers popping in at random moments to visit.


I woke up to a warm feeling going down my legs. I sat up and looked to see the sheets and my pajama bottoms soaked. I then got a pain that ripped through my stomach and lower back and I knew what it meant. "WADE! GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" I yelled. He shot up and looked around panicked then saw me hunched over clutching my stomach. "Babies time." He said. We didn't really need an overnight bag since I could just have Wade run home and get everything. He ran over to me and picked me up bridal style. "Hold on baby-boy." He said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt a woosh and then heard doctors around me.


"He's in labor! His water broke about 2 minutes ago!" I told one of the doctors. "Ok sir. Please alert any family that you would like present." The doctor said. I nodded and started calling Tony. "Wade you better have a good reason for calling at 4 in the morning after just get-" he started but then Peter moaned in pain. They were getting him hooked up to everything. "Get to headquarters hospital fast! Peter's in labor!" I said. I hung up and sent out a group text to inform everyone else what was happening. "Do you know who I am?! I could ruin you! I'm Tony Rogers-Stark, you know Iron Man?! Let me see my son!" I heard Tony say outside the door then the door opened. "Peter!" Steve said. The couple ran over to him and Tony pushed the doctors out of the way. "Thank you for your help but I can take it from here, and if you see the rest of the Avengers send them in please." Tony said and ushered them out. Once all the SHIELD doctors were out, Tony got gloves and a mask on. "Ok Peter, don't worry. I'm just going to check and see when you can push or what method we should use." Tony said. Peter had been squeezing the life out of my hand but I didn't really feel it. "Ok." Peter told him. Tony checked and I peaked and saw the top of a head. "Ok so on your next contraction you can push!"


"What?" I asked scared. I was hoping that I would be able to have a c-section. "These babies are coming, now!" Dad said. I looked at Pops. "Pops, can you hold my hand? Please?" I asked him. "Of course Pete." He said. He grabbed my hand and then I got a pain that ripped through my back and abdomen. I started to squeeze their hands while I pushed.


"One more push Peter!" Dad said. I pushed then felt the baby come out. Cries immediately filled the room. "It's a boy!" Aunt Nat said. Her and Aunt Wanda and Uncle Bucky had come in while I was having the first baby. Uncle Bucky took Pops place since I couldn't hurt his metal arm and I hurt Pops hand a little bit. Wade cut the umbilical cord and then I felt a pain rip through me. I pushed down again and it felt like this one was coming quicker. Dad gave Wade the baby and Pops came and took his place. I stopped pushing when I felt the head pop out. "Ok Peter, just-" Dad started but I cut him off by screaming and pushing out one shoulder. "You can take it-" He tried to say. I pushed the other shoulder out and then felt the baby being pulled from me. I laid back and was panting. "It's a girl!" Aunt Wanda said. Wade came over to me. "I am never letting you touch me again." I told him. They set the babies down on my chest. "We'll see about that in a couple weeks." He said. I laughed lightly and looked down at my baby boy and girl. "Oh my god Wade! They're adorable!" I said. "What are you going to name them?" Uncle Bucky asked. He was helping Pops put the devices that held my legs up down. "The boy Howard R.S. Wilson. And the girl Natalie S.R. Wilson." I said. "Finally!" Aunt Nat said. "Wait Howard?" Dad asked. "In honor of Howard Stark. And the R.S. and S.R. stand for Rogers-Stark and Stark-Rogers. My family doesn't have any good names." Wade said. Dad took his phone out and took a picture of the twins. "I'm going to post this."


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