Chapter 9

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"STEVE!" I yelled. I heard stumbling and then felt him behind me. "What the...." He said. I rushed to Natalie and took her off of the wall. I put her on the play mat that we had set up. I freed Peggy and Howard and sat them next to her. "Watch them, I'm going to take some of this to the lab to figure out what it is." I said grabbed a handful of the web like substance. He nodded his head and sat in front of the babies keeping them entertained. I rushed to my lab. "FRIDAY run some tests on this substance to figure out what exactly it is and where it came from." I told the AI system. I then went up to the babies room where giggly was coming from. I opened the door and saw the three babies and Steve covered in web. "Tony! Help me!" Steve said. I hurriedly put the babies in their separate cribs and went to Steve and got the webs off of him. "Did you find anything out?" He asked me. "No not yet. FRIDAY will let me know when she finds something out." I told him. He nodded. "We should probably get them dressed." He said. I agreed and grabbed Howard. He got Natalie and Peggy. We set them in the changing tables and got the clothes that were set out for today. I put Howard's on him then placed him on the changing mat.

Steve dressed Peggy in the outfit that we would almost always put her in when we went to HQ which we would have to do today

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Steve dressed Peggy in the outfit that we would almost always put her in when we went to HQ which we would have to do today. It's was the twins first time going there.

Steve took Howard and Peggy to the living room to finish breakfast and get everything ready to go to HQ

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Steve took Howard and Peggy to the living room to finish breakfast and get everything ready to go to HQ. I studied Natalie and looked at her wrists. There were remnants of the white substance on them. I went and brushed it off to find little holes in her wrists quickly closed after the substance was removed from the area. "Interesting...." I said. I placed her middle and ring finger and aimed her wrist towards the ceiling. The substance shot out and I moved the fingers so that her palm was open and it cut it off. "Very interesting....." I whispered. I decided that I would just run the tests at the lab and got her dressed.

I took her downstairs and put her down

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I took her downstairs and put her down. They could crawl around and sit up by themselves. I got the bottles that Steve had made. "Did you find anything out?" He asked me. "Maybe, I have to call Peter and fire out for sure." I told him. He nodded and started to get two plates out and fill them with pancakes. I went and got Peggy and Natalie and put them in their high chairs. I went and got Howard and saw that he had cut his hand. He wasn't crying or anything. "Oh my god!" I said and rushed to him. I watched the wound close and leave no scar there what-so-ever. I took him to the kitchen. "Steve look!" I said I grabbed a butter knife and did a small cut on the palm of his hand. "Tony! What are you- What?" He asked as he saw the cut seal up instantly. "I need to talk with Wade too. But let's eat and then we can talk about everything." I said. I was curious about something else so I cut Peggy's hand with the butter knife. It sealed up also. No scar left behind. I looked at Steve, astonished at what we had just witnessed. I ate as fast as I dared and then showered and changed into real clothes. I then watched the kids while Steve showered and got ready. They played and theories ran through my head. Their parents are literal superheroes with real superpowers..... didn't Thanos do something to me too? I can fly a little without the suit on. Plus me and Steve both have stronger lungs than before. I'll have to test the theory if Peggy has both Steve's super soldier abilities and can fly. Then see if Howard has the same ability as Peter does, but I thought that he used web shooters that he made..... I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I looked at it and saw that Peter was calling me. I pulled up the video chat. "Hey kiddo! How's the island?" I asked him. "Hey dad! It's good, really relaxing! How are you guys and the twins? Has anything happened?" He asked. "Everyone is perfectly fine, see." I said and turned the camera around for them to see the babies. He turned it back around. "So I have a question for both you and Wade." I said. "Ok." He said. "Do your webs come from your wrists? Did the spider bite change your DNA? Then did the treatment for Wade change his DNA?" I asked him. "Well, um, yes to all of the above." I said. "Ok I was just curious." I said. He nodded and then I heard Wade mumbling in the background. "Ok well, it's night here so me and Wade are going to turn in. Love you!!" He said. "Love you too! Use protection!" I said before the call ended. Steve came down the stairs and we got the kids ready to go. We took them out to the car and buckled them up in their car seats then went to Avengers Headquarters.

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