Chapter 17

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What is wrong with me?! I've updated this book too?! I better go see a doctor to see if I'm sick....




"We need all of you on this one. Take the kids, they might be able to help." Fury said. "They're only a year old! Someone needs to watch them." Nat said. "I've seen them train with you all, they're even weirder than most of you." He said. He walked out the doors before anyone else could argue. "We better get packing."


"I packed everything that we have for the twins, did you pack our things?" I asked Vision. "Yes, I have packed everything that we will need. But, I fear that we will end up running out of diapers and outfits." He said. I giggled at his comment. My phone started ringing. I picked it up and saw that it was Steve. "Are you guys ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah, when are you coming by?" I asked him. "We'll be there in a few minutes." He said. We said our goodbyes and I hung up. "Let's get moving."


"Where's the twins?!" I asked Vision. "I'm not sure, they were here then they disappeared." He said. Soon Hydra Agents surrounded us. The twins appeared suddenly and spiders flooded the Agents. We were surprised and watched as they drowned in the spiders. When the spiders cleared, the mission had been complete. "I can't believe they did that." I said. I held Howard in my arms, while Vision held Natalie. "We need to get back to Shield." Tony said. We made our way quickly back to the quin-jet. All of our communicators went off as the door closed. I opened mine to see a distress signal coming from Wakanda. "Set course for Wakanda immediately." Steve said. Clint was flying and quickly powered the jet up and headed straight to Wakanda. I held onto Howard and started to feed him peaches. It was his favorite food, and needed the energy from what him and his sister just did.


"Shuri, what happened? What's going on?" I asked the princess of Wakanda. "There was an attempted attack by Hydra Agents. We defeated them, but they did some damage. We've talked to Director Fury and he's on his way now." She said. "I'm actually here. Glad to see that you were all successful in defeating Hydra, but I feel that it is safest if you all go into hiding." Fury said walking through the door. "What do you mean hiding? We can't hide from this! That'll just make maters worse for everyone involved." Steve said. "I mean Cap, that you will all live in a remote location together. We'll move Peter and Wade when they get back. We believe that all of this is happening because Thanos knows about the twins and wants their power. We believe that Hydra is working with and for him which is most likely how he got the information about them." He said. "So that's it, we're supposed to hide from Thanos until this all blows over? He's sending a storm this way set to kill thousands of people and we're supposed to disappear in the worlds time of need?" Tony asked. "Listen Stark, everyone on the East Coast is being evacuated as we speak, and have been since you all left. The world can live without Earth's Mightiest Hero's for a few weeks." Fury said. "What do you mean a few weeks?" I asked. "Until after we do damage control, the Avengers and all other superheros will no longer exist." Fury answered.

Silence followed him. We all looked at each other deciding that the decision had already been made for us without us even knowing. "Where is this secret location anyways?" Nat asked. That being the first thing shes said the entire time we've been here. "One of Shield's private islands. I think you'll all enjoy it." Fury said. More silence followed. "When do we leave?" Clint asked. "Two days."


"We need to create disguises so that we can buy what we need. After we're done we make it look like no one was ever in the houses. Got it?" Tony explained. Everyone nodded their heads in understating. "Let's get this over with." He said handing everyone lumps of cash and prepaid gift cards. We all put on our disguises and separated into groups and got into separate cars. I had Vision, the twins, Pietro and Clint. We split into 5 separate groups and each went to a different area of town. We got the Mall closest to Headquarters incase the twins get fussy.

When we arrived, Vision and I took Howard and went one direction, while Clint and Pietro took Natalie and went the opposite. "We meet back here. Make sure only what we need." I told them. They nodded their heads and we split. Thankfully the mall had shopping carts to put all of your bags in so you can still shop without having to make multiple trips to your car. I strapped Howard into the baby carrier and we headed into our first store to get the twins clothes then ourselves clothes.


"I think that's everything. Let's go wait for Clint and Pietro." Vision said. I agreed and we headed back. Vision took everything that we got out to the van that we were sent with. I decided to go to Pretzel Maker and get a few of their bites for us to eat. "I need 6 large and 1 small of the bites please. Oh, and if I can get that to-go please." I told the girl that was there. She hit a few buttons on her computer. "$47.61 is your total." She said. I handed her $60 in $20 and got my change. They handed me a bag and I went back to meet the boys. When I got there, Vision was waiting and I could see Clint and Pietro walking towards us. "Let's go, I got snacks for us to eat on the way back." I told everyone when the couple finally arrived.

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