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I woke up and shock my head which hurt greatly. I felt sick and dizzy. I opened my eyes and saw metal bars in front of me. I closed my eyes again for a few seconds then leapt up and looked around in shear panic. I was trapped inside an arena. I shot a plasma blast at the bars, but they were dragon-proof. My scales glowed blue and I ran at the metal bars and bashed into them. That didn't help anything, it just hurt me more. I kept bashing into the bars hoping to somehow find a way out of here. I started clawing at the ground, but it was made of stone and I wasn't getting anywhere. I leapt into the air and flew to the top of the arena then started biting the bars up there. I landed again and ran at the bars one last time then fell to the floor.

When I woke up again it was night. I had no idea how I had been able to sleep, but I didn't hurt as much. I felt like I was trapped in hell. I felt cold so I blasted the ground around me and huddled up trying to get some more sleep. I woke up the next morning and saw the fishbone watching me from outside the arena. I jumped up and shot a plasma blast at him. NightShade dived down and picked up Hiccup before the blast hit. "Whoa, okay... she's still mad" the human muttered. "Hiccup this is a bad idea" I heard a girl say. "Astrid please, she'll calm down and then we can study and train her" Hiccup told her. "Don't get your hopes up, she's a wild dragon" Astrid said looking at me. "So were Toothless and Stormfly, but I trained them" Hiccup insisted. "Maybe she should be wild" Astrid said. I nodded in agreement. "What? No, any dragon can be trained!" Hiccup said. "Really? Huh, that's weird because I seem to recall that you couldn't train Speed Stingers, Changewings and Death Songs. Just don't get yourself killed" Astrid said as she turned to walked away.

The fishbone and Astride returned later that day with NightShade. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Astrid asked. "Yes, the other dragons may calm her down and help tame her" Hiccup said. The door to the arena opened and I saw a blue Nadder, brown Gronckle, red Nightmare and green Zippleback come inside the arena. I walked through over and joined the other dragons. "Hello, I'm Stormfly" said the Nadder. "I'm Meatlug" said the Gronckle. "I'm Hookfang, the best dragon of all!" Said the Nightmare. "I'm Barf" said the gas head of the Zippleback. "And I'm Belch" said the spark head. 'They do know that they're the same dragon right?' I thought to myself. "What's your name?" Stormfly asked. "I'm IceGlow, I'm the Alpha Night Fury. I have an island called the Golden Enclave and I'm the leader there instead of the Red Death" I told them. "The Red Death? We helped kill her!" Hookfang announced proudly. I remembered how there were four other dragons with humans there that day... yep that was them. "Anyway I'm the alpha here, not you!" Hookfang told me. I lit up my scales and clapped my back flaps. "Wow" all the dragons said as they tilted their heads in amazement. I shot a blast that landed in front of all the dragons who jumped back and lowered their heads. Now that that was taken care of I calmed down.

I lay down by Stormfly and looked into the dark night sky. It had actually been a good day. I had told the gang of dragons about everything that happened to me and NightShade. I had also enjoyed listening to some of adventures they had told me about their past.

The next day NightShade and me were on the other side of the arena alone. Well... the other dragons were on the other side if the arena minding their business, but the fishbone and Astrid were watching us. "IceGlow, I'm so sorry" NightShade said. "Yeah, you should be!" I yelled at him. "They aren't going to hurt you, Hiccup just wants to observe another Night Fury and train you" he told me. "Train me? They're are acting as if I'm just some sort of object they can use for their own good!" I yelled. "Hiccup frees dragons from the dragon hunters and he protects them" the Fury said. "No, I protect dragons! I have an island called the Golden Enclave where I'm the alpha. All the dragons are a family. We look after each other, we help and protect each other no matter what! We don't need the help of humans!" I yelled at him. I watched NightShade's ears go flat. I puffed some smoke from my nose and turned my back to him. NightShade took a step closer. "IceGlow, I know you're upset and you have all right to be, but we were once happy together, we are soulmates. I know we can be happy again... if we try. I'm willing to do anything for you, you just need to give me a chance..." NightShade pleaded. "If you're so willing to do anything then ditch the fishbone and come to the Golden Enclave with me. We can be happy there" I said, half begging. "Ice, I know you want me to leave Hiccup, but I can't. We belong together and he needs me... and I need him." "It doesn't matter that you can't fly on your own. We aren't under the rule of the Red Death anymore, any dragon is accepted." "But I want Hiccup. I won't leave him for anything." "Not even for me?" I asked turning around and looking him straight in the eye. "No, I'm sorry, but no" was NightShade's reply.

I lit up my scales and blasted a shot that only just missed the Night Fury. "Toothless! Get out of there!" Hiccup yelled as soon as he saw I was angry. He started make his way to the entrance of the arena. I felt my eyes go into narrow slits. This was a natural defence instinct, if we couldn't see what it was we were killing our emotions wouldn't stop us from killing it, this instinct had saved Night Fury lives. I blasted another shot at 'Toothless'. I was so mad at him and mainly Hiccup for locking me up here. But mostly I was hurt that he chose a human over me and that hurt quickly turned into anger. How could he choose a worthless fishbone over his soulmate? The black dragon leapt into the other side of the arena and hid behind the gang of dragons. I slowly walked towards them. "Don't move gang!" Toothless said to them. "Move out of the way" I said in a calm, but sharp tone. The gang of dragons looked at each other. "Time for you to decide who is your leader, Toothless or me" I told them. "Sorry Toothless, but she's worth fighting for" Hookfang said as he backed away and Meatlug followed. The two heads of Barf and Belch looked at each other then followed the other two dragons. I looked at Stormfly who nodded at me and moved away without so much as a glance at Toothless.

The Alpha Night Fury Where stories live. Discover now