Reuinted With My Family

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I landed on the soft damp sand on the beach of The Golden Enclave. I took a deep breath then made my way over to NightSong who lay asleep on a rock a little further up the beach. I quietly snuck up behind my brother then pounced on him. NightSong jumped up and his eyes widened when he saw that it was me. "IceGlow!" NightSong yelled in delight. My brother put his head against mine as we both smiled. "Where have you been all this time?" NightSong asked. "It's a very long story" I told him with a slight laugh. We flew back to the Night Fury den where everyone was overjoyed to see me. Mother, StarGaze and the four hatchlings ran over and made a huge fuss over me. I learnt that NightSong had been in charge while I was gone and everyone, including him, was glad that their true alpha had returned. I had been away for about half a year so I had a lot of things to sort out and keep me busy with. I smiled as I saw all the dragons gathering around to welcome me back. It was amazing how much all the hatchlings had grown and they were now young adults. I called a meeting in the cave behind the waterfall to hear about what happened whilst I was away and to tell everyone what had adventures had happened to me.

"So you actually saw NightShade again?" Mother asked. "Of course, did you think I was making it up?" I laughed. "Well these days who knows" mother said grinning. "Aunt IceGlow, can we go on an adventure too?" StormBlast asked. "It's fine with me if it's fine by your mother" I said as I winked at StarGaze. "Oh no, we are not going to see the Green Death" StarGaze growled as her four sons leaped around her begging for an adventure. "Listen to your mother!" NightSong snapped from the back of the cave where he sat by me and mother. "I always knew you would be a great father" I told my brother proudly. "Not without my perfect sister to guide me" he responded with a gentle smile.

"How are you feeling these days mother?" I asked her. "Old and wise, but you'll still have to put up with me for a long time to come" mother grinned. "That's the spirit!" I smiled. "Now who wants to come with me for an evening flight?" I offered as I spotted the sun was starting to set. "Me!" Called all the Furies as they bounced up and gathered at the cave entrance. I leapt into the air and lead the way as my family followed me. I flew high into the cloudless sky and looked down as the golden light spread across the ocean waves and the island. I took a deep breath of the crisp fresh air and blew it out through my noise, watching the steam rise up in front of me and into the sky. "Now this is freedom" I told myself with a huge smile. "Not if you're a parent!" NightSong said as he dashed past me with his four sons giving chase. I laughed and dived after them joining in the fun. We danced around in the cloudless sky until the sun faded and the moon shone high. The rest of the Furies went inside, but I stayed in the air. I spread out my wings further and let a gentle breeze carry me through the night. I looked up and saw a shooting star flash across the sky. "May your wish come true, my dear" mother said as she flew past me and back to the Fury den. I smiled as I thought of my soulmate then closed my eyes and made my wish, hoping that maybe, just maybe, it might come true.

3 Months Later...

I looked down at the five black and blue eggs in front of me as one of them started to crack. I grinned happily as a small black and blue glowing Night Fury hatchling crawled out of her egg shell. The Night Fury hatchling looked up at me with light green eyes and tilted her head. "Mamma?" She asked. "Yes, I'm your mother" I told her with a proud mother's smile.

The End!

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