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"What do you mean you want me fight? I have no time for that! I have clients!" I explained to my father.

"Sweetheart, I know since your mother di-"

"Don't bring her up! There's no need for me to be in the ring okay? I tried to keep the promise, but as soon as I step foot in the ring when people look at me all I think of is how mum hated that job. She wanted me to do something good with my life. I can't be doing her proud by fighting in public, dad." I sighed.

"Naomi is one of the best fighters to the world, but the world hasn't seen you fight, you have my power, you would be amazing. Just one fight." My dad persuaded. Ricardo Gomez, he was the legend of the ring. He met my mother in the crowd of one of his matches. She hated boxing and any type of violence. She was beautiful and hated the fact me and brother were exactly like my father... athletic and not academic.

Of course I passed my school exams but I was never interested in being in a class 24/7. I wanted to be on the field...or in a ring.

But that changed when she died. She died disappointed in us. Disappointed in me.

"No dad. I'm sorry." I told him.

Asher walked in as I had a small tear left my eye. He rushed over to me. "Daddy issues?" He asked softly as I nodded.

He hugged me and pulled me close. I noticed he had wet hair and hickeys on his neck. He was getting fucked while I was crying.

"Ashy! I can't find my panties!" A leggy blonde with fake tits walked out of his room. Nice. I rolled my teary eyes.

"Nicola not now. Just go." Asher said quietly, looking ashamed.

"Why? So you can fuck you teary eyed brunette? She's a pussy who is scared to step inside the ring because of her dead momma." The bitch said.

"Nicola what the fuck." Asher said he got up but I pushed him away.

"Wanna say that again, whore?" I said and walked closer to her. She smiled.


I slapped her across the face and twisted her arm back before pulling her hair back and throwing her to the floor.

Asher eyes were wide as he held a laugh back.

The whore finally left and I text my dad back.

Fuck it, I'm in.

I spent the next few days training before I knew it the commentator was announcing my name.

"And to the right we have the daughter of the legend Ricardo Gomez, Ms Selena Gomez!"

I took off my dad's black robe and I entered the ring. I heard whistles and hollars from the crowd.

Before I knew it I was beating the shit out of this Naomi chick. She was slightly bulkier than me. But around my height. She had black hair and pale skin. She was gorgeous, but shit at fighting. How was she classed as the best?

At the end the round one, I had Naomi on the floor. The crowd cheered. I looked around to spot my dad. I never look in the crowd during matches. It distracts me. I found my dad smiling next to Asher. That's when I spotted dirty blondish brown hair in the crowd. Justin.

His brows were raised and I just winked. I gulped the water down and returned to the ring.

"Pretty little thing you are...strong too. Too bad I'm going to wipe you out now." Naomi said. I laughed. "I'd like to see your bitch ass try." I smirked.


I smiled and winked at Naomi before walking down towards my dressing room.

"I got you an ice pop." A voice said.

I turned around knowing who it was. "Is it red?" I asked and he smiled. "Of course it's red." He gave me the ice pop and flashed a toothy grin. "Changing room?" He asked while beginning to walk.

He walked into my dressing room and sat down. Umm..okay?

"Make yourself at home then why don't you." I said grabbing a towel from the desk.

"Of course, so you didn't tell me you were the daughter of Ricardo. Or that you fought. I'm offended. You know I could always help you, I am the best fighter after all."

"Good for you, now can you piss off? I need to change." I said.

He chuckled. "Wow, fiesty I like."

"Too bad I don't like you. Goodbye." I said gesturing the door. That's when he got up and walked up to me. My heartrate sped up. "Don't need to get all flushed Selena, I'm only grabbing an ice pop." He smirked. Cocky, attractive bastard.

"You think I am attractive?" He chuckled with an eyebrow raised.

I said that out loud oh fucking hell.

"I'm going to shower goodbye, Mr Hiss." All I could hear was his chuckle as I left.

I came back, freshly showered only in a towel and my pink fluffy sliders.

I walked into my dressing room and Justin was sitting on the couch watching TV. Oh fuck. His head turned and his lips turned into a devilish grin. "Nice outfit."

I tightened the towel around me and rolled my eyes. "Can you fuck off?" I told him but he got up and came closer to me. "No need to get all worked up, Selena.." he trailed off and he studied my face.

"Well I think you should leave now and take your stupid ice pops with you becuase I need to change and you are making a mess in m-
He gently grabbed my cheek and pressed a soft kiss on my lips. "So soft. Gosh you don't shut up, do you?" He murmured before kissing me again.

His phone rang and he broke off the kiss. He sighed. "I have to go." He told me before kissing my cheek.

He walked out the room and I was flushed. Did Justin Bieber just kiss me?

How? Why?

Suddenly, my thoughts were cut off from on my dressing room door.

"Come in." I said and Naomi walked in. For fucks sake. What does this bitch want. "What do you want?" I sneered.

"I noticed Venom or Justin leave here. Just thought I would tell you that he did the same thing to me." She smirked.

"Did what?"

"Kiss me and make me feel special, it was all an act. All for publicity." She said. "You're an amazing fighter. What I said in the ring. That was the fighter in me coming out. But from girl to girl. Stay away from him. Why do you think they call him Venom?" She said

"Wait, I thought he came up with the name." I said.

She shook her head. "Justin Bieber is a snake. Once you get bitten, you're struck with his Venom." She said.

Mr Hiss. I thought.

"He doesn't love, sure he lusts, but he only wants one thing. To be the best. Since his last game he is still on top but he got hate for losing the record of most fights without a knock out."

"He came to give me and ice pop, nothing more." I told her.

She smiled. "You did well today Selena. I laughed when I seen you, you looked too pretty to be a fighter. But you proved me wrong."

"Thanks..I guess." I was still sceptical of her though, why was she being nice?

She smiled again before she left she spoke.

"There's more to Venom that meets the eye. Don't get bitten Selena."

I like badass fighting Selena.

Do you think Justin is gonna play Selena? Do u believe Naomi?

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