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*warning mention of self-harm*

'Are you alright babygirl?' Asher said taking a seat next to me on the couch. 'I slept with him Ash. I literally had sex with him because I thought maybe he liked me and maybe you know I would possibly be more than just a quick fuck. I feel so used. So dirty.' Asher sighed. 'I'm going to fucking kill him. Hooker? On the first day of LA he orders hookers when he could have had you.'

'It's okay. I guess. Like you said. It's best I found out now he was a dick.' I replied.

'Speaking of his dick. How was it ?' Asher asked. I smiled. 'Meh I reckon a night with Blake will make me forget about him.' I joked. Asher looked at me with a 'are you serious' look. I laughed. 'Don't worry I won't be sleeping with anyone for a while.' He smiled.  Tonight we had planned a movie night. There were snacks and Asher put on a movie that we talked over.


'YOU FUCKING BITCH!' Asher yelled.

'You ate the last cookie.' He pouted. I laughed. 'I still have half left.' I teased before Asher pulled the blanket off me and tried to get my cookie. I continued laughing and Asher started to tickle me until I was hysterics. Asher grabbed my leg and then randomly stopped. I stopped laughing in confusion. He looked down at my bare thigh due to me wearing shorts. 'Selena those scars are fucking fresh.' He snapped. I jumped at the tone of his voice. His face softened when he seen my reaction. He came closer to me. 'Please fucking tell me this was a one time thing and it isn't because I've been busy and you've been lonely because I couldn't deal wi-' I cut him off. My eyes brimmed with tears. 'It was a one time thing I swear. It was just before. Today. When I was showering. You were at work and well I was upset and I-'

'You're telling me you were sad over that dickhead? Is this about Justin? You've known him for like what? 4 days?! Is it about Blake? Your dad what Selena please tell me because if it's about your mother I thought we were over that.' He was on the verge of tears at this point.

'It's not about any of that. Maybe I don't know Ash. I was really sad. Maybe it was a mix of it all. I was in the shower and I saw my razor and I don't know I guess I felt I needed the release or something. It was relief for a bit then after the first cut, it was small I stopped. I'm so sorry.' I said balling. Asher hugged me tight in his arms. 'It's okay baby girl. Can I have a look?  Are you sure it was just one?' He said softly.

I showed him my leg and put some ointment on it to make it stop stinging. He went back into the kitchen and a few moments later with some ice cream, he sat down and pulled me into his chest. 'You know I love you right? You're my best friend. You're all I have in this world. I have no parents and no siblings. When I see you hurt yourself it hurts me because you're the only person in this world who is my family. Please promise me you will take your own advice and go see a therapist?' He said. His voice broke my heart. I was so selfish sometimes.

'I think maybe you should stop counselling others until your back to yourself. Stick to training?' He told me and I nodded. He was right. There was so much people didn't know about me. Asher knew everything.

From now Selena Gomez is going to focus on herself. Fuck anyone who gets in my way on achieving happiness. I smiled watching the rest of the movie with Asher. He was my rock.


Today me and Asher had landed in LA. Now, I know what you're thinking. I'm here for Justin, but no. I'm here for Ash. He is photographing the fighting for MensHealth and some other sports magazine for hot sexy men.

I decided I was going to look like the sexiest woman in that stadium.

Right now Asher was picking out an outfit for me while I was doing my makeup. 'We have to match! There's a red carpet there and everything. You better curl your hair okay? And put on that sexy gloss you bought that day.' He said loudly from the other room.

He came in holding two outfits.

Outfit one was a sparkly blue dress with long sleeves. The second was a nude and gold sparkly two piece.

'The blue one says hot date the nude and gold one says I'm totally making Justin Bieber miss another hit and got knocked out because my ass looks THAT good!' He chirped. I laughed. My ass would look great in that skirt. I put the outfit on and the top showed the right amount cleavage and my toned stomach.

Once we arrived I interlinked my arm with Asher's and we walked through the carpet. The paparazzi were all over the place. 'Miss Gomez is it true you're back with Blake Stanford? Is it true you were Justin Bieber's date at his fathers event?' A man yelled. I smiled and turned around to the camera 'Selena Gomez is one hundred and ten percent single!' I blew a kiss and Asher laughed 'That's my best friend!'

Asher made sure to get us front seat tickets. Not only for him to take his picture but for me to flaunt my hotness in front of Justin.

The announcer loudly introduced the first fighter. It was time for them to introduce Justin.

'AND NOW YOU KNOW HIM YOU LOVE HIM ITS VENOM!!' Justin came in his signature red robe. He looked scrumptious oh my. But I looked better.

He skimmed the crowd with his award winning smile until he spotted me. We made eye contact but I looked away. 'He's totally getting hard right now.' Asher whispered and I giggled.  Justin looked over when I laughed but I ignored him. Throughout the first 10 minutes Justin was doing good. He was a good fighter. 'Selena? Sorry I mean Miss Gomez' I tired to see Blake smirking. I smiled. 'Mr Stanford. I didn't expect to see you here.' I said and I noticed Justin look at me talking to Blake.

I smirked. This could get interesting.


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