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Fuck Skyline. Fuck her for making people think I'm only becoming CEO to spend time with her. After visiting Selena's apartment I sent her a message, of which she left me on read. This wasn't exactly the best time for me to ask her out I suppose.

I needed to clear it up with her. Apologise. I'd never been weak when it came to a women. But Selena, God she was like this infuriating girl who wasn't obsessed with me. Why? Maybe I want her because I know she isn't a fan of me. Maybe that's exactly why I'm always thinking about her.

I was sitting in my apartment when my phone rang, I was hoping it would be Selena but it was my manager. 'Hey Scott.' I said. 'Justin! I hope you're excited! It's time for the tournament! Make sure you're fully packed for tomorrow morning, we are flying out to LA for your first match.'

Something about this didn't make me feel as excited as I thought I would.

The next morning I was getting driven to my private jet where I would fly to LA. My crew were already boarding. I sent Selena a message:

Flying out to LA for the tournament, hoping you'll at least message me back before I get there.

I sighed and put my phone away. My manager was flying out later because he had a meeting so it was just me and a couple of people from the team.

Nate and Sawyer my two best friends were here along with a few other guys who are on team they do shit like cleaning my shoes, making my robes. All the prissy shit. Nate is the friend who thinks he is God's gift to women but he's the rational friend and Sawyer is the guy who is pretty much the worst influence in the history of friends.

14 minutes into the flight I was just staring out the window when I heard my phone beep.

taking ur whore to LA ?

I smiled.

Does this mean you'll fly out and see me fight ? I pressed send.

Moments later I got a reply.
You'll see.


Moments after we had landed I took a nap and wasn't really feeling myself. I felt a bit...giddy. Like I was excited. Well I was, from Selena's message I couldn't help think of the possibility of her coming to my first tournament fight. My thoughts were cut off from a loud screech. Sawyer.

'I have an announcement to make fellas!' He said coming in the room. Sawyer had brown hair and was ripped. We all were being involved in athletics. He had green eyes and also thought he was a walking wet dream. In other words. He was a hoe. But I loved him anyways. He and Nate have been through everything with me.

'Name a better way to start off the tournament than with STRIPPERS!' He yelled and 4 slutty strippers walked in.

Nate and the other men gladly watched them take off their clothes. I sighed. I wasn't taken. But I had seen how fast Selena cut me off with Skyline. No I didn't have feelings for Selena. She was just a fuck. But I didn't want to just disrespect her. One of the girls came around to me and started massaging my back. 'How about we go to the bedroom huh?' She whispered seductively in my ear. I considered it but honestly I knew I couldn't satisfy my desire for Selena.

The hooker sat in my lap and started to kiss me. I saw a flash and I looked up one of the girls was taking pictures. 'Say cheese!'

1 hour later I was so high from the joints I had. I was making out with a different hooker and smiling for all the pictures. Honestly I didn't know what I was doing.

I saw Nate shaking his head and walking out. Pussy.


I woke up the next morning with a massive headache and two girls next to me? Confusion rushed through me until my door bust open. 'Everyone OUT' Scott my manager yelled. 'Shut up dude' I moaned. I looked up to see him holding a magazine with my face kissing the hookers on the front cover. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

'One more scandal Justin. I fucking dare you. One more of these and I swear to God you will never step foot in a ring ever again. You hear me?' He snapped. God. I fucked up. Fighters have to maintain a good image. This wasn't what I wanted. 'One of the girls must have sent the pictures to an outlet I'm sorry I-'

'Go have a shower. I swear to God Justin. You're fighting a exceptionally good fighter in 3 days. Get your shit together. And what is this I'm hearing about a girl you're talking to? Guessing that's over if she reads and magazine or news outlet.' Fuck. Selena.

I did it again.

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