Chapter 4: Nico discovers magic

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Special Dedication to @BooksandMusic4life! The correct answer was Prince Charming! Thanks for reading!

Nico POV.

Nico moaned and rolled over... and fell onto a cold white tile floor.

He leapt to his feet before his groggy mind could actually process what was going on. He stumbled and nearly fell over. His vision spaced out and he barely caught himself before he toppled back to the floor.

"Mr. Di Angelo!" He heard a shrill voice scold. "What are you doing out of that bed? When I heard the headmaster say the demigod had crashed into our newly repaired school I begged her to let me help. Gods know what would have happened had that trouble magnet, golden trio found out there are children of gods wondering about! I think dear Hermione would have a heart attack."

Nico still struggled to stand up despite the frail hands trying to set him back down. "Who-? Where-?" He mumbled.

"Hogwarts, child!" The lady said with evident pride. "You're at the finest school of witch craft and wizardry in all of the world. Surely you would know that if you just shadow traveled here!''

"Didn't...shadow travel..." Nico slurred his head spinning. He'd heard something like witches and wizards being real, but being here? Something was very wrong.

The lady didn't stop speaking. "I'm Madam Promfrey, daughter of Apollo! My cousin Will Solace-maybe you know him?-has told me a lot of what's happening back at the states. Two wars child? Against mother Earth? I didn't believe him until I got an owl from his mother-!"

"Madam Promfrey?" Nico said talking over her. "I'm sorry but I have no clue what in Hades what you are talking about. I do know that Camp Half Blood was under attack and my friends and I fell into a crack the earth and ended up here. So I really must be getting back." Reyna flashed in his mind. Was she okay? He couldn't stand it if she got hurt.

"Yes, yes alright!" Madam Promfrey said. "We'll have to see the headmaster. You're friends, -Annabelle was it? and that hyperactive boy- are already waiting in there."

Nico nodded but didn't reply not even to correct Annabeth's name. Honestly he wasn't sure he needed to say anything for this woman to start talking again. Luckily he could think straight again and he noticed his surroundings.

He was in a grand infirmary, that he was sure Annabeth had nearly passed out after seeing the architecture. Empty white beds lined the walls and he did a double take on the pictures. One of them smiled and waved at him.

"Whoa..." Nico said quietly.

"Ahh yes, the pictures do move. it takes some getting use to but they become very helpful every once in a while. Especially when it comes to the ghosts! They like to mingle and Peeves just loves to prank the students-."

"Ghosts?" Nico said clenching his jaw. Thantos must have been getting lazy again. Aside from the fact he had been chained to a rock earlier this year, Thantos periodically just forgot his duties, which created more paper work for Nico.

"Yes that's right you're the ghost king." Madam Promfrey said. "Don't worry these ghost have special permission from Hades. One even teaches classes here. Exciting isn't it? Did you know that the original founders of Hogwarts were mortals blessed by Hectate?"

No he didn't know that. Nico didn't even know Hogwarts existed two minutes ago, much less know who the founders were. And quite frankly he really didn't care.

"Here, Drink this." Madam Promfrey said shoving a goblet of a thick green, foul smelling liquid in his face.

" this?" Nico asked staring disbelieving at the cup

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