Chapter 20: Percy has a Soda with a Dead Guy

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The dedication goes to...@Ninjagirl13! The correct answer was the tiria she got the night of her birthday and her mother's death. So sad... but anyway on with the story!

Whoa! 20th Chapter!

Percy POV.

Percy did not expect to see dead people when he woke up.

Percy looked around frantically. Did he die? Really? Part of his brain was looking around going Well that was lame. After all that you died because of a necklace?

The other part was processing that in front of him stood someone he hadn't seen in a while. Someone he knew was dead. Percy gulped.

His friend smirked. But it wasn't the messed up evil one Percy was use to. It was...friendly? Nice? Somehow that made this whole thing worse.

"No Percy." He said. "You're not dead."

Percy looked at him. "I'm not?"

"No you idiot." He rolled his eyes. "And neither am I. "

"But I-You-?"

He looked exactly the same as Percy remembered him. He waved a dismissive hand. "We're in a pocket dimension actually. That's why everything is so white."

Percy looked around. Everything was white. like so white Percy couldn't tell the floor from the wall, if there were any. For all he knew they were outside. Or maybe they weren't anywhere and just simply existing.

"Want a soda?" He asked waving his hand. Suddenly a table with a six pack of coke appeared in front of them, along with two chairs. Percy eyed the soda feeling his stomach churn. He wanted to puke. This wasn't possible. He was dead. Percy was alive. And yet here they were, together, talking like he never betrayed them.

But instead of saying any of that Percy said: "My willpower has advanced from Sugar and Caffeine."

He looked at Percy for a moment. Percy knew they were both thinking the same thing. Reliving that moment, when he first announced his betrayal, down on the beach with the soda and the scorpion.

"Percy, listen." He said. rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't-" Percy interrupted but He cut Percy off.

"Let me say this!" He snapped. He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. For everything. I betrayed everyone. I nearly destroyed everything I cared about. I was stupid, angry. Oh Gods I nearly killed Annabeth!" He ran a hand through his sandy blond hair. "Look, I need you to promise me something. Promise me you'll look after her? Annabeth I mean. I-I want her to have the life I never did. And Thals...Is she still in the hunt?"

Percy nodded.

"Tell her when you see her that I..."He got a distant look in his eyes. "That I miss her. Ok?"

Percy nodded.

He smiled like he had just given Atlas the sky back-a feeling Percy actually knew. "Now for the real reason I called you here...."

"Where exactly is here?" Percy asked. "I mean were in a pocket dimension, but how?"

He looked at Percy for a moment. "Oh Right." He scrambled for something around his neck. Pulling it out Percy recognized the small metal triangular pedant. The only difference between the two of the matching necklaces is his had the letters RMY.

Percy couldn't help but wonder what the letters spelled. CHA, RMY?

"Where did you get this?"

"Well um...It's not mine I, uh, "borrowed" it for the time being." He looked extremely nervous. "What do you expect? I'm still a son of Hermes! Stealing comes naturally!"

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