Chapter 31: Bow to Chaos

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And the last dedication goes to...@AConfusedDreamer! Congrats! The answer was Chicken (or rooster) Blood!

And now, I'd like to welcome you to the very last chapter. You have no idea how excited I am. Do you trust me? No? Good. Because this one's going to be almost as bad as the last one. (Not really)

Third Person...

Lights flashed around the room, black and streaks of golden, wrapping into separate columns.

And then you could hear the screaming. And then the multiple thuds and groans.

The columns disappeared, revealing several bewildered teenagers. The first boy, held his head like it was pounding, ruffling his restless black hair, and peering around with his dazzling sea green eyes. He could feel something wrong. His heart felt punctured like someone had stabbed it with a dagger and left him to die. His head was screaming with other thoughts. So how did he end up here?

It was a white room, with white marble floor and walls and a ceiling that was white. The only sploches of colors were the demigods collapsed in piles, familiar faces of people. He anxiously scanned them searching for one face.

His mouth went dry. And his heart rate sped up, his eyes landing on one group of demigods sprawled in a heap.

"Anna-Annabeth?" He choked out.

Nico looked up at him fearfully, tears in his eyes. Leo looked away, his hand clenched into shaking fists, his hair alight in flames.

"ANNABETH!" He screamed the floor jerked and wobbled in his vision but he covered the distance immediately. His soul screamed but his mouth refused to open for more than a wavering whimper. His held her head in his hands.

"Please let this be a joke." He whimpered. "This can't be real. Annabeth please!"

Her face was paling, her beautiful golden curls hung at her shoulders.

"Annabeth!" Percy screamed. "No...No..."

"Prec- ooh Styx." Travis froze standing over, his skin a pale shade of cream.

"Annabeth!" He screamed again. A heartbreaking sob ripping through his raw throat. "Wise Girl! Wake Up! You can't die! I promised I would protect you! Please!

"Annabeth..." Tears dropped down his face. "Don't leave me."

This couldn't be real. It was a plan. An elaborate plan. Yeah, a plan. Annabeth was good at making plans. She's just faking. She must be trying to trick the person who them here into revealing something. She-

"Perce." Nico put a hand on his shoulder trembling. Behind him Travis stood holding Connor up, who was swaying slightly like he'd just woken up. "Percy, I'm sorry. I tried. I swear, I did.

"Percy, She's gone."

He knelt there frozen. Shock and pain wedged into his mind. His soul grieving so hard he wanted to die. He wanted to curl into a ball and join her in the after life. Why was it always him? He didn't ask to be Aphrodite's personal soap opera. Why did she do this?!

He looked up into Nico's oxyn eyes brimmed and overflowing with tears. He looked past him into the ceiling of the room they'd landed in and he screamed.

Just screamed.

And sobbed.

And hurt.

He hurt a lot. He wailed something of agony, the intense grip squashing his chest until he couldn't breath and then he kept going. His friends didn't stop him. He felt the world around him grow meaningless, and cruel, and cold.

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