Chapter 19: Travis gets Mail

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And the well overdue dedication goes to....@IZEnderson! the correct answer was the Jericho Missile. Congrats!

Travis POV.

Travis and Connor shared a look. Together they shrugged. Henry was still waiting for answer, and the Residents of Storybrooke looked torn between confusion and horror. How would Henry react? What could they do?

"Mist?" Connor suggested.

"Will it work?"

"Probably not."

Travis stepped towards Henry and snapped his fingers. Henry frowned for a moment as if wondering what he was doing.

"What are you doing?!" Henry demanded stumbling back to the other side of the railing. Travis bit the inside of his lip. Then Henry's eyes gazed over.

Travis smiled. "You didn't see anything. You were upstairs when the doorbell rang and at the door was...-"

"-The mail man, delivering a package for us." Connor interjected.

"The mail man, delivering a package for-wait what?" Travis said looking at Connor distractedly. Connor crouching over a small cardboard box barely big enough to fit a baseball with an envelope attached. Connor picked it up and quickly shoved it into his pocket. He motioned for Travis to finish with the Mist.

"You didn't see anything. You were upstairs when doorbell rang and at the door was a mailman, who gave Connor and I a package, then left. You can go back to your room." Travis snapped again.

Henry looked around shaking his head. "What was I doing? Oh right." Then he jumped up the stairs.

Travis let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He turned back to the Adults who were also shaking their heads.

"How'd that mailman know you guys were here?" David asked.

"Mail man?" Connor asked.

"Yeah. You just got a package...that's Why the doorbell rang..." Emma said.

"You guys don't remember the whole kidnapped-kid-turning-into-crazy-demon-girl-and-trying-to-kill-us part?" Travis asked.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ruby asked. "Do you feel alright? There was definitely no demon at the door."

Connor leaned towards Travis. "Dude, you must have scrambled their memories too." He whispered. Travis nodded in agreement. Styx.

"Okay never mind." Travis said brightly. "Back to...whatever the Hades we were doing."

"Wait, where's the package?" Regina asked.

Connor pulled it out of his pocket. He glanced at the note in the top his eyes went wide and he threw back his head and laughed.

"What?" Travis said echoed by the Adults.

Connor held the box out to him and Travis peeled off the envelope.

Dear sons of the AWESOME God, Lord Hermes,

You're formally invited to the first ever monster paintball Olympics, hosted by Lord Hermes himself.

Travis grinned and opened the envelope. Inside were two tickets, a game schedule, and a concession stand menu and price paper. Travis found himself laughing hysterically with Connor. Travis wiped tears out of his eyes.

"What's so funny?"

"They look high."

"-Laughing curse? Regina!-"

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