Chapter 12: Nico threatens a Ghost

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And the dedication goes to...Booksandmusic4life! The correct answer was Robin Hood! Yay! 

Nico POV.

Nico stormed down the hall of the wizard school glaring at the ground. Annabeth was cheerfully bubbling beside him and Leo was bending wires that he got from his toolbelt.

Leo looked like he hasn't slept last night. Well at least not after he used a borrowed library book as fire wood. Annabeth looked like she had slept the entire night and then some. Nico wished she would just shut up.

He hadn't told anyone about Hermione having knocked him out with some spell. And luckily Hermione didn't seem to have notice. Maybe they were going to be extremely lucky and not have to deal with their nosy faces in their demigod secret, and they'll find the stupid book with the stupid answer tonight.

Yeah and maybe Nico will get a chance to fly a broom stick without Zeus trying to electrocute him.

The trio entered the mess hall heading for the Gryffindor table. Nico irritatingly found that the only seats open were next to the Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Harry looked to be explaining something very important to the group.

"We'll this should be fun." Nico mutter humorlessly to Leo.

"Just remember not to jump to conclusions." Annabeth murmured. She placed her annoyingly perky smile on her face again and walked over to them with a bounce in her step.

"-Not joking, Hermione!" Harry was saying. "He caught fire-!"

"Hey guys!" Annabeth butted in pretending not to notice the situation. "Are you guys excited for our first days of classes?! I am! And English school for wizards. Who would have thought that me, out of all people at our school would get picked?"

"Gee, Annabeth, probably no one." Nico said sarcastically. "It's not like there's a bunch of American wizarding schools all around America or anything."

Ron gaped at him. "Y-you can speak more that four words?" He cried. Nico gave him a glare and continued pushing his food around. Ron shuddered and Nico smiled slightly.

"You should hear him when we play Truth or Dare with the Stoll brother's." Leo said. "Once they painted his...uh room, pink and he dared them to put Spiders specifically "underneath the third bed the left side of  Annabeth's dorm room in an open jar with a ribbon saying 'from the Stolls' on it". That was funny."

"All of them almost died that day." Annabeth said pursuing her lips trying to hide shiver of fear from the spiders.

"Mr.Di Angelo, Ms. Chase, Mr. Valdez?" Professor McGonagall said suddenly coming up to them with a pile of scrolls.  They nodded and she handed them their schedules, before moving on to the golden trio and Ginny and then some other Gryffindors. After a quick comparison they found all the demigods had the same classes together. Nico silently thanked the Gods. But Unfortunately most of their classes involved the golden trio, too. soon the conversation turned back to excitement for the classes and about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, that and Hermione and argument over name of. Ron was convinced it was Professor Lou, but Hermione was positive it was Possessor Ellen. The argument broke up when Ginny laughed looking upwards.

"Hey look mail!" Ginny said happily pointing up. Annabeth's jaw opened as thousands of owls flew into the grand hall. "Don't you have this at the Olympus school of witch craft and wizarding?"

Leo looked wide eyed at all of the owls then dove under the table, much to the amusement of Nico and Annabeth. Harry gave them a strange look, but to them Leo's reaction made perfect sense.

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