Chapter 13: Percy gets a Package

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Special Dedication to @Read_Write_hope! The correct answer was "Harry Potter." Enjoy this update!

Percy POV.

Percy glanced around the flashy room and asked himself once again, who's idea was this. Of course it was his, but he sort of kinda, messed up really big. What's worse is that he knew he messed up.

He twirled his pen in his hand, nervously.

"Percy? You still with me?" Tony asked waving a hand in Percy's face. Percy snaked back to reality blinking twice to show he had no clue what Tony just said. "What's with that pen anyway? You always have it in your hand."

Percy laughed inwardly, but he put the pen away. "ADHD. It keeps my hands busy."

"Yeah well, this is the Avenger floor. Your room will be down the hall to the left. A bit of a warning- Clint and Natasha aren't morning people so I suggest you don't go making noise. Bruce...."

Percy tuned out as Tony continued with the detailed tour. Who's idea was this, again?

He was pretty impressed with the architecture, and stuff. He knew Annabeth would have a blast running around this building. Leo would probably kill him for not taking him to meet the amazing Tony Stark.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. If he got out of this alive, which was highly unlikely, and unscathed, also unlikely, then he swore on the Styx he'd never get on another God's/ Titan's/ Whatever-else-is-out-there's bad side again.

Wait a second- He didn't really have control over that...Better change that. He'd swear on the Styx to tell Clarisse she was Ugh he'd have to work on his swears on the River Styx's.

"Percy!" Something slapped the back of his head.

"Ow! What?" He asked, suddenly noticing Tony was gone and He was alone in the bed room hall with Clint, who was causally eating a pint of Mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Uh...." He said intelligently.

To his relief Clint laughed. The Avengers had gladly welcomed him to team, except Natasha, but had told him not to worry about it. Apparently that was normal. Percy knew though if he was going to do this he'd have to be flawless.

"I was wondering why Tony was talking to himself down the Training room." Clint scooped a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth

"I should probably catch up to him." Percy said. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, not really knowing where to go. Clint laughed again and pointed with his spoon. "Go down that hall, past the kitchen, grab some food if you want, then to the elevator. Jarvis can take you to where Tony is."

"Who's Jarvis?"

"Tony didn't tell you?" Percy shrugged. Tony had probably said something about another person running around and Percy just had zoned out. Clint nodded, understanding. "He's Tony's personal robotic butler thing. He runs everything in Stark towers. And a great conversationalist."

Percy blinked and nodded. Robotic butlers? Sure why not. He said a thank you and hurried after Clint's instructions, grabbing a Poptart from the kitchen cabinet. He found himself in the elevator unsure what to do.

"Hello Sir. How can I be of assistance?"

Percy nearly leapt two feet in the air, whipping out Riptide.

"Please put the weapon away Sir. There's no need. I am Jarvis. How can I be of Assistance?"

"I..Uh...lost Tony somehow. Clint said he's in the Training room can you take me?"

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