Chapter 9: Leo sets a book on fire

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Special dedication to....@Ninjagirl13! The correct answer was operation cobra!

Leo POV.

"Leo would you shut up?" Annabeth hissed elbowing him in his gut. Leo grunted and massaged the area that was sure to be bruised later. It was about 11pm and all the Gryffindors had gone to their rooms to get ready for the big day tomorrow, the first day of wizarding school. Leo and Nico were sharing a room with Harry, Ron, and the other guys they had met named Neville, Seamus, and Dean. Annabeth was sharing with Hermione which she was quite happy about.

After the wizards had told them about the big war, which wasn't all that big to the demigods, Annabeth and Hermione started talking so fast paced and super smart, Leo was sure it wasn't even English anymore. Nico had remained unresponsive the entire dinner with his occasional movement of his fork to push around some food. Leo had had a great time chatting with Harry and Ron and he learned all about the game Quidditch that was played on broom sticks that flew the air. Leo once again was secretly creating plans to do that without magic.

"Where is Nico?" Annabeth fumed. "We only have oh so much time to look before Filch will check the library! And McGonagall won't let us slack off on our work otherwise it'll flaw our cover-!"

"Geez Annie, I'm right here!" Nico said appearing at the bottom of the stair case that led up to the bed rooms. He was wearing his usual attire, a black shirt, black jeans that made him look a lot like the ghosts in the castle, not that Leo would ever tell him that for fear of get sliced in half by Nico deadly sword, which was in its sleeve on his side.

Annabeth was wearing her orange camp shirt and her dagger on her hip. her hands fiddled with her necklace of camp beads and Leo noticed a silver glint of an object, that he was sure had never been there before. It was a ring the shape of a owl with green-blue gems for eyes. Hmmmm...

Leo was wearing his camp shirt with his jeans and toolbelt, his fingers already messing with a bunch of pipe cleaners and a rubber band

"Oh good. And don't call me Annie. Now we only have three hours and that will put us at 2 to get back here-"

"2 In the morning!" Leo whisper yelled. "Three ADHD demigods in a library for three hours, Annabeth!"

"Yep! isn't it great!?" Annabeth squealed with excitement. Nico and Leo shared a look. Suddenly being trapped in a school for magical people wasn't the worst thing on their lists.

Suddenly Nico shivered. Leo looked at him.

"Dude, you ok?"

Nico looked around. "Yeah, I don't know why, but I feel like someone is watching us in the shadows."

"Some wizard magic trick?"


"Oh come on!" Annabeth said. "You're just being paranoid. " She started towards the door and opened it slowly. Leo followed, and Nico took one last look around, still not satisfied, and the of them crept in to the silent hall. The weird thing, was Leo felt as if something, or someone was watching him. He shook it off.

Leo continued to nervously play with his pipe cleaners. He shaped them into a cat, and then into racecar, and then into a steamboat. He knew he could create mini engines to go with them to make them work.

"Why can't we just Iris Message, them?" Leo asked.

"I told you, wizard magic interferes with the Mist." Annabeth said as the walked silently down the hall. "Either that or Iris is just not putting me through."

"It's probably the second one..." Nico muttered earning a glare from Annabeth. "What? Both you and Percy have a unique habit of pissing of some very powerful people. Like Remember Kronos? Zeus? Gaia? What about Hera?"

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