Chapter 26: Percy Falls....Again

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A special direction to @-HereComestheSun- who's correct answer was a flower. Who knew, right?!

Also I want to give a shout out to @Black_and_red for helping through my writer's block! If I could give you a plate of French toast I would but unfortunately I ate it.

Also if you hate this chapter: blame her, not the author. =D jk, don't.

Percy POV.

The four of the them looked at each other. The air was thick with tension and Percy's mind reeled replaying what had happened. That guy-what had Tony and Bruce called him? Loki?- had saved his life. Wasn't he a God or something? Tony and Bruce looked on the verge of either attacking or running. Loki for the most part looked amused, if not slightly disappointed.

"Well, well, well." Loki said smugly. "If it isn't the man of iron and the green rage monster."

Bruce scowled and Tony shifted his weight, unsure how to handle the situation. Percy looked back and forth between them. Who was this guy?

"Did I miss something?" He asked.

"Percy, step away from the crazy God, please." Tony said, his eyes flickering around the room, possibly looking for one of his little toys that he could use against Loki.

Loki seemed to find this very amusing. "Ah yes, Perseus, step away from the guy who saved your life."

"Will you people please stop saying my name like that." Percy said. "It's Percy, and the next person that says Perseus I will run through with my sword."

Loki threw his head back and laughed. "I wouldn't say that, just yet."

As if on cue, thunder shook the building and lightning flashed violently outside. Percy didn't see what the mischievous God meant. Tony and Bruce seemed to know though.

"Can't have Loki without-" Bruce murmured only to be cut off by an unnaturally loud burst of thunder.


Percy dove to the side. Lightning filled the room, blinding Percy for a second and causing his hairs to stand on end. The smell of burning ozone sparked in the air. With a gigantic thud, the carpet streaming under his feet, a figure stood from a crouching position.

The first thing Percy noticed was the hammer. A strange choice of weapon. The second was that he was a God. There wasn't really any way to over look the out of place armor, or the billowing cape, or the strong aura that radiated off him.

"-Thor." Bruce finished his earlier statement.

"Ah yes, come to join the party, brother?" Loki asked clutching his glowing staff in a threatening manner.

"Brother...?" Percy muttered. They didn't look anything alike!

"Loki, why have you come back to earth?" Thor asked shifting his hold on his hammer. He didn't look like he wanted to fight, but he would if push came to shove.

Loki smiled. "I got an offer, something I couldn't refuse."

Something in Percy's head screamed run to him, but he felt frozen to place.

"What offer?! From whom?!" Thor asked, grimacing as if he already knew the answer and didn't like it.

"Surely you of all people know!" Loki said smiling widely. Percy really didn't like that smile anymore. "I assumed he told you about it, too."

"Thor, what's he talking about?" Tony demanded, sounding slightly uncertain like he was walking on a glass bridge. It was weird coming from him.

Thor didn't break eye contact with Loki. "I do not think you wish to know, man of iron. And I would leave before my brother does something he would regret."

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