Chapter Three

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After I made it to the checking point, I was allowed to get on the plane. Yes, allowed. A funny story that happened with yours truly. The people who worked there thought that I had some sort of a weapon in my small suitcase; they opened it in a not-so-nice way and saw that it was just a charger. A freaking charger. How could they mistake it for a weapon? They kept on pushing me and searching for anything on me. I got pissed off and showed them my middle finger with a wide smile. Mature, I know. Because, yeah, sure, a sixteen-year-old innocent girl who was forced to go and live with her brothers will have a deadly weapon hiding in her normal-looking suitcase that she knows will be checked. Brilliant. And that sentence was so long.

As I stepped foot into the plane, I began searching for my seat. Mom booked me a seat next to a window, saying that it would be pretty, and I would feel less bored. Yeah, right. After I found it, I sat down and pulled out my headphones to listen to some quiet music. Ten minutes later, the plane was full of passengers. And next to me sat a young dad with his baby boy on his lap, and next to him sat a cute guy who looked twenty or so. I just hoped that the baby wouldn't cry and would remain calm. We buckled up, then the plane took off. I spoke too soon about the baby. He began crying really loudly when it was okay for the passengers to stand and move freely. The dad was trying to make him calm down, but it was no use. He looked like he was suffering from lack of sleep, and I sympathized with him.

"Bro, please make him stop. He has been crying all night long. I. Didn't. Sleep." The cute guy shut his ears and then tried to close his eyes. He had purple circles around his brown eyes, and his curly, short brown hair was in all directions. They looked like zombies.

"I tried everything. He won't eat, he won't sleep; all he wants is his mother's love, and we both know that can't happen anymore!" The dad replied in a really sorrowful tone; he almost sounded like he was crying. His face showed agony. I arched my eyebrows and wanted to ask, but decided otherwise. Well, everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud. And if you were wondering, I removed the headphones.

"I know, I know, Danny. I'm sorry. I'm just tired." The cute guy apologized and regret was showing in his sparkly brown eyes. And suddenly, I felt bad. I had to help.

I cleared my throat and looked at both of them. "Um, excuse me..." I trailed off in order to grab their attention but was interrupted by a very rude man sitting behind us.

"Can't you shut the boy up? It's getting too annoying, you are sick of a father. Do something before I do!" The rude man yelled at the dad and his brother — I think he was his brother because he called him bro and I got infuriated. I snapped my head towards the rude man and shot him daggers. Then I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him forward so he was right in front of my face.

"You shut up. Can't you see he's trying his best? It's not like he enjoys his child's crying, but what can he do? If you don't have anything helpful to say, then shut the hell up and sit in silence before I make you. And don't utter any other word, idiot!" I yelled back. I released his collar and he fell back. The man was shocked at my behavior; however, he closed his mouth and crossed his arms like a pissed-off boy. He was fifty or so. That's right, do what I say. Old or young, people these days have no manners.

I turned my gaze at the dad and his brother, then smiled warmly at them. "Now, let me hold him please." I offered, with my hands held out, to carry the crying infant. The dad and his brother were confused and puzzled at my outburst and action at the rude man. "Sir?" I said, to make him snap out of his daze. He shook his head, then looked at me.

"Um, yeah, sure, here you go," he replied, then handed me the baby boy carefully. He was so light and he looked weary. Poor thing.

"How old is he?" I asked after I raised my head and looked at the brothers.

"Four months," the cute guy answered. "His name is Gavin," he added, with a friendly smile. I nodded, then looked at the baby in my hands. I smiled at him and started rubbing his hair and cuddling with him. I was whispering soothing words to him, and after a while of hard attempts, he looked at me with his teary baby-blue eyes. He was so adorable and chubby. I just wanted to pinch him. I'm a sucker for babies. I mean, who could not love such beautiful creatures?

The dad and his brother were waiting in silence, and their eyes were fixed on me, filled with hope. "There you go, Gavin. You are a good boy who's going to sleep now and let your daddy and uncle rest for a while!" I cooed in a soft tone that made him giggle. "Oh, look how adorable you are when you're quiet and smiling." I kissed his cheeks, then started rocking him back and forth for five minutes until he was out in dreamland. "Done," I announced in a quiet tone to the dad, and his smile shone brighter than the sun. Wow, I can exaggerate things at times.

He let out a relieved sigh. "You don't know what you just did to us!" he exclaimed, and I shook my head.

"Yeah, I do. You received an opportunity to sleep until we land. You're welcome." I joked around, and they laughed with me. They were delighted.

"Seriously, thank you so much. You saved our butts out there. We've been trying to put him to sleep since yesterday; we didn't know what was wrong with him," the dad explained. "I'm Danny, by the way, and this is Zach, my little brother." He introduced them with gratitude in his eyes.

"Nice to meet you both, and I'm Lexi." I greeted them in a hushed tone because I didn't want to wake Gavin up. He was breathing slowly, plus he seemed relaxed in my arms.

"How did you do that?" Zach asked, and I looked back at him.

"Well, I just love babies so much, and I figured that he just wanted a motherly hug — from a girl. Babies are so sensitive and can feel unsafe in seconds. You just need to show them that you're stronger than the will of sleep. I don't know if that even makes sense, but I tried to explain it in the simplest way possible." I countered my thoughts, then shrugged my shoulders.

"I kind of understand what you mean. His mom, my wife... d-died a month ago, and we're going to live with her parents so they can help us raise this little angel," Danny explained, with sad eyes. I felt terrible but didn't ask any further questions.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that he will grow up to be a fine and strong man just like you two. From all I can tell, you both are strong to stay on your feet. As they say, the best view comes after the hardest climb." I encouraged them with a big smile, and they smiled back.

"Thank you, Lexi," Danny said. "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking, of course." I nodded.

"I'm sixteen, soon to be seventeen. You guys?" I answered, then asked back.

"Wow... you're so young but mature for your age. Well, I'm twenty-seven years old," Danny replied.

"And I'm twenty-one," Zach said. I chuckled at them.

"You're so young yourselves. Okay now, enough talking and go to sleep. Get some rest before we land." I countered like a bossy boss.

"But what about Gavin?" Danny asked. Concern was filling his eyes, and I rolled mine.

"What about him? He's asleep, and now it's your chance to rest. Don't worry, I won't kidnap him and run away. Now sleep," I demanded. They looked at each other and shrugged, knowing that they had lost the argument. Was it even an argument?

"Fine." They breathed out and fixed their positions so they could sleep in a comfortable pose.

"Sweet dreams!" I said, then looked back at Gavin who was sleeping peacefully in my arms. I'm cool or what? And my brothers will freak out when they know that I talked with boys... Their overprotectiveness can be a handful at times... All the time.

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