Chapter Twenty

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I stood in the middle, and everyone sat on the floor in a circle. Theo and Alice sat next to each other — which was perfect for my plan — Milo and Arlo next to each other, and Holden, Jude, and Jess were next to each other. Jess was beside Alice. So... You do the math and imagine their positions. It was complicated. No, Lexi, your mind is complicated!

"Okay, Lexi, close your eyes and spin when I say go," Latoya announced, and I nodded. "Go," she said, and I began spinning in my place, putting all my faith in Jess, who had to choose the right second to stop me for my plan to work. You see, I told them that they had to let me stop in front of Alice or Theo and dare them with something that would make them feel closer to each other. And I'd do the same with them. They just had to think smart and make them bond without anyone noticing.

While I was drowned in my thoughts, a clap made me stop in my tracks and open my eyes. A wide grin made it to my face because I saw Alice waiting for me to dare her. "Well, well, well... I think I will start with a simple dare. Alice, you have to kiss the one sitting on your left, on the cheek, which happens to be my dear brother, Theo," I declared, then waited for the action to begin.

I just laughed in silence, then saw Arlo and Milo with smirks on their faces. I saw Theo with an 'I know what you did there' look and Alice with an 'I'll kill you' look. I'm a genius or what?

"You have to do it, Alice. It's a dare. You can't chicken out now." Latoya provoked her, and Jessica nodded in agreement. Alice scoffed, then sighed.

"Fine!" she finally said, and I cheered. She looked at Theo, who was waiting with an amused expression. Oh, he is enjoying this... A lot.

Alice got near him, gave me one last hateful look, and kissed his cheek. It was quick but cute, and they would have plenty of these moments tonight. "Great, now, Alice, you are up, and I will clap," I advised and sat between Jude and Jess. Alice stood up and closed her eyes. "Ready... set... go," I declared and waited seconds until she was in front of Holden. I clapped. Alice opened her eyes and smiled at Holden, and he gulped.

"I want you to go to the freezer and grab anything icy and then put in Lexi's shirt from the back," she countered, and I facepalmed myself. Of course, she'd take her revenge on me, but it is worth it.

Holden looked at me with a sorry look, then walked to the kitchen. He came back with a wrapped popsicle. I eyed it and cursed whoever bought it.

"I'm sorry, Lexi," he apologized, then dropped it in my shirt. I took a deep breath, then bumped my fist on the ground. Everyone laughed at my reaction.

"Shit, it's so cold," I cursed, then jumped from my place and made the popsicle land on Jess's lap, and she quickly removed it. "Okay, Holden, you're up," I said after calming down. He stood in the middle and closed his eyes. "Go," I clapped a moment later, and he stood in front of Jude. An evil smirk appeared on his face, and I felt sorry for Jude.

"You remember that last prank, no?" Holden said, and Jude paled. Sweet revenge. "You have to sing 'Hands to Myself' by Selena Gomez while dancing with... Lexi," he dared, and I sighed. Why do I have to move? I am not complaining about Jude. I am just lazy.

"Hell no! To the song — no offense to you, Lexi," Jude refused, then looked at Holden like he was going to murder him.

"Yeah, no way he's touching our little sister." Milo jumped with crossed arms. Arlo and Theo nodded. I just rolled my eyes.

"Nah, you won't interfere because you can't. It's a dare, and he has to do it. You don't have a say in that; therefore, I want you to shut up and record the whole thing." Latoya grabbed Milo's hand and made him sit like a good boy. She looked scary and had the power to make them calm down when it came to their protective side over me. I will make sure that I use her authority to my advantage.

"No, I won't," Jude pointed out, with a glare on his handsome face.

"Oh, come on, I know that you love that song. I heard you sing it in the shower, and it fits your vocals pretty well," Holden declared with a smug look on his face, and Jude's cheeks turned red. I stood up and tugged his sleeve to stand up and start the dare. We all laughed and cheered for him to do it.

"I will kill you," Jude assured Holden, then stood up. He looked at me, grabbed my hands, and the music went off. "Here goes nothing...." Jude began singing, and we all were surprised by his voice: beautiful. He continued dancing with me smoothly while singing the rest of the song until it was over. As he let go of me, we heard claps from everyone, even my brothers.

"You can dance, and you have an amazing voice — you are lucky, dude," I countered with a wide smile. He looked at me, then gave me a little smile.

"Thanks, I guess?" he replied while rubbing the nape of his neck. "Who's next to spin?" Jude asked, changing the subject, and I had an idea. I wanted to let Jude know of my plan for the future couple, so I sent him the text I sent to the girls. He opened his phone and read the message. Seconds later, a smirk made its way to his face. He looked at me, then nodded.

"It's your turn, Jude, so stand in the middle," I ordered, and he did as I said. He closed his eyes and began spinning. "Go," I clapped as he was in front of Theo.

"Theo, my man," Jude said, then put his finger on his chin like he was thinking of a good dare. "I dare you to lay your head on Alice's lap until the game ends," he said, and I burst out laughing, then I threw him thumbs up. Lee and Jess were cheering, and the boys laughed.

"I hate this game," Theo muttered, only for me to hear, then he laid his head on Alice's lap. She was burning up from the embarrassment. Just the way we wanted.


It took us four hours to end the game... well, for my brothers to end it. Holden dared me to sit on Jude's lap, and that was a red light to them. Either way, we all played and had fun, and most importantly, Theo and Alice grew closer... thanks to us.

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