Chapter Fourteen

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After we talked to Bishop, I was surprised at his laid-back personality. He did not give us a warning because he knew that it was Lorenzo's fault. He got what he deserved, and the rest of the day went by very fast. I had my last class with Jude. I was surprised to see him there, but it turned out that he wanted to be a psychiatrist, just like me. It made me happy and not crazy for choosing this subject, but when I saw him flirting with every girl in class, I realized that he was a player like my brothers had stated. So, I brushed him off and focused on the lecturer until the end of the day.


My brothers, Jude, and I were getting in the car to go to the diner that Latoya worked at when Mom called. In case you wondered, Holden and Jessica were right behind us in Holden's car. I pressed the green button, then smiled. "Hey, Mom," I said as I leaned back on the seat next to Milo near the window. Jude was next to Milo from the other side... I was confusing myself! Milo sat in the middle — that was more like it — and Theo was driving. Arlo was next to Theo, playing with the radio stations like a little kid in distress.

"Hello, sweetness, how are you?" she asked calmly. I looked at my brothers, then back at the window. If they were fine, then I was fine. I chuckled because I remembered Lorenzo's expression when Theo hit him, and it was priceless.

"I'm great, and the first day was good too," I replied happily. She sighed, and I arched my eyebrows. I sensed something, and it was not good. "Mom, are you okay?" I asked in a worried tone that caught my brothers' attention, even Jude's.

"Um, yeah, it's just..." She stopped, and I got more eager to know. I needed to know because she was alone in California and had no shoulder to cry on. I hoped that she did not really need to cry. Alone. That would be terrible.

"What is it, Mom?" I waited a couple of seconds until she replied. And I wished she hadn't.

"His time is almost over," mom clarified, and I went silent for a while, holding the phone and squeezing it tightly. I looked at Milo, handed him the phone in a rush, and buried my head in my hands. I could not reply. I could not believe that it was almost over. Time flies, and it was so bad in my situation.

"Hey, mom, what did you say to Lex?" Milo asked as he rubbed my neck gently. After a couple of minutes, his hand froze on my neck. She had told him. "Okay, I understand... I love you, mom. Will talk to you later," he said, through gritted teeth, then put the phone down next to my leg.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked, and Arlo turned around and looked at us. They sensed the frustration and anxiety that radiated from our bodies.

"It's almost time! That bastard." Milo announced firmly, and Theo's hands tightened on the steering wheel. Arlo cursed under his breath while squeezing an empty soda can with his hand. Good thing it was empty; I did not want to clean.

"When?" Theo asked in a pissed-off tone. He wanted to turn his head and look me in the eyes, but being the driver compelled him to focus only on the road.

"Two months," Milo replied, and I leaned back and placed my head on Milo's chest. My fingers played with his shirt, and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Shit!" Arlo whispered, and Jude cleared his throat. From the look on his handsome face, he was the lost kid in the amusement park. I would have laughed if my joyful mood was not ruined.

"Is everything okay?" Jude asked in a calm tone. But he obviously felt restless.

"Yeah, we will tell you when the time is right, that is, if she wants to speak about it," Theo replied while eyeing me from the rearview mirror. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed.

"When the time is right," I repeated, then closed my eyes, waiting until we got to the diner. I am hungry... I am always hungry, to be completely honest.


"Hey, guys, I'm so glad you came. I saved you a table next to the window." Latoya welcomed us with a megawatt smile. We greeted her back, and I hugged her so tightly that I forgot myself when Milo cleared his throat. I wanted to talk to someone about it, but it was too soon.

"How was your day?" Milo asked as we sat on the chairs. He dragged Latoya to sit on his lap. I sat between Arlo and Theo, and Jude sat next to Holden and Jessica.

"Stressful. The kids were super active today. More than usual," Latoya replied while rubbing her temples. She looked tired.

"What kids?" I asked. You know, the curiosity killed the cat.

She looked at me with a weary smile. "I'm a kindergarten teacher by day and a waitress by night for four days a week," she clarified. I was impressed because of her will to work that hard, but what for?

"That's amazing. I love kids so much, but why are you working here too?" I asked. Now everyone was done with their previous conversations and focused on me.

"I'm saving up money for a new car. What I own now is fairly good but small. I need a bigger one, so I gotta work harder," she reasoned. I nodded but then remembered Milo's punishment for forgetting their anniversary. So I smirked.

"Milo, did you tell her about your car?" I asked, with a sly smile that looked innocent on my face, but my brothers knew better than to fall for it. Milo shifted under her gaze and coughed. He glared at me, and I tilted my head to the right, playing the role of the clueless, innocent little girl.

"What about your car?" Latoya asked, the curiosity laced in her tone.

"Oh, that... Um, ah..." He did not know what to say, so I muddled to save him. I am the villainess and the heroine at the same time. Wicked.

"Oh, it's just that the engine failed to do its job, so Arlo had to take it to the garage where he works. Since his boss is on vacation, the car will be repaired in two weeks," I explained. "Isn't that right, Arlo?" I asked with a knowing smile. He nodded, not wanting his brother to die at his girlfriend's hands because of his sister, and he did not want me to go to jail for setting fire on this case. I am a devil in the disguise of an angel.

"Yes, so you'll have to be the man during these two weeks because you own a car," Arlo added, then nudged Theo's shoulder from behind me. He jumped a little at the sudden contact, and I held back a laugh.

"Ah, yeah..." Theo said, then we all looked at Latoya to see her reaction. She smiled.

"Of course, baby — no need to worry. You can have it for these two weeks if you want," she offered, and my heart melted at her sacrifice. But I had to end this sweetness because Mom's order was clear: no driving for Milo for two weeks... Though she did not mention others' cars... She grounded him from using his own car... Damn it. I am confusing myself. Again.

"No, it's okay, I'll manage. I have my brothers to take me where I want to go, and you got work to do that is far away from your place. So, no, but thank you, love!" Milo replied, then kissed her nose. I guess I am not in trouble for messing around with him... I hope so.

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