Chapter Forty Two

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Leo and I had been running for almost forty minutes, and we were acing the race. We ran so fast that I did not see any other contestants behind us, and we still had four kilometers to cover out of eight. I decided to let Leo rest near a cliff with buckets of water for the horses when we reach that point. Leo deserved it, and the race organizers calculated the times pretty well. We slowed until we arrived at the buckets' station, and then I stopped him and got down so he could take his time to drink and replenish his energy. I had to move my legs for a bit.

I patted Leo's head, kissed him, and he began extinguishing his thirst. I turned around to view the city below us, which was a stunning sight. I smiled in satisfaction at the beautiful place and took a deep breath. I turned around to start running again with my hero, but as soon as I walked just one step away from the cliff back to my horse, Leo let out a loud neigh, and he lifted his front legs off the ground as if he was terrified of something.

Due to the surprise action, I forgot about the cliff behind me, and my leg slipped as I tried to take cover. My eyes widened as I saw the world go upside down. I tried to yell, but no sound came out of my mouth. It was like time froze, and I forgot how to speak.

Everything was in slow motion, and I always made fun of slow motion in movies. Karma! I flipped over and hit my chest with a sharp rock that knocked the air out of my lungs. I quickly grasped an old trunk near the sharp rock and tightened my grip because this time, my life did depend on that. I tried to pull myself up, but my hands were too weak to do that, and the blow I just took to my chest did not help. I looked at my chest and saw blood from my right side above my breast.

"Leo! Leo, go get help! Go." I yelled in the hope that he would understand me and run. That would be a miracle, but unfortunately, miracles did not happen to me. It was like I was jinxed. "Help! Someone! Please!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and tried to catch my breath. I was petrified, and I did not dare look down. No one in my place would. If I fell, I would die. The height was scary, and I did not want to die like this.

I wanted to die on my bed, next to my husband, from aging, not from this misfortune. I wanted to live a peaceful life filled with joy and happiness, but I guess... that was not happening. Moments later, I heard a stick breaking, and I took that as my chance to survive. To live longer. "Help! Help me! Please! I'm down here," I yelled again, and a head popped out from the top of the cliff. I hoped that whoever that was would help me to live and see tomorrow. To see my loved ones again. "Help!" I called again, but this time in a lower tone because I was beginning to feel exhausted.

"Look who we have here!" the man said, and I looked at his face in a questioning manner. Did he know me? I narrowed my eyes and tried to recognize him, and I sure did. That malicious smile was all too familiar for me to forget. My luck was vanishing, along with my hope to live. "Little Lexi. I was made for hating you," Edmund added bitterly, and I let my tears cascade down my face like a river. I did not care that he could see; he would feel victorious about seeing my tears because he would never see my crying face again since that was my end.

"I didn't think that you would be the last face I'd see before I die, and I'm betting that you did something to the horse for him to be so afraid," I stated, with no emotions. I knew he would not help me get up, and my hands slipped slowly.

"Oh, yes, I did. Horses can be easily frightened by snakes. I don't regret anything I did to you in the past, and I wouldn't regret this...." Edmund replied, then grabbed a big rock and threw it at me. I closed my eyes one last time and felt the painful blow land on my head. My hands let go of the only thing keeping me from slipping, and I fell to my death.

Aside from Edmund, my life was beautiful. I loved it, and I loved my family. Mom, dad, Milo, Theo, and Arlo were my light. I loved Jude. I loved my friends, Holden, Jess, Lee, Alice, Gabriel, Zach, Gavin, Danny, and everyone I met here in Sydney.

Luckily, I had no regrets because I did not harm anyone in my life, like the devil himself. Before I made contact with the ground, I remembered a saying that I used to love, and I repeated it quite a lot: "Soul is about authenticity. Soul is about finding the things in your life that are real and pure". I found those things when I thought I was trapped with my brothers. Sorry everyone, but I was glad to have you in my short-lived life.

I hope you can forgive me...

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