Chapter Thirty Three

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"All I'm asking is for me to eat. Is that too much to ask for?" I was getting impatient, so I shoved the spoon in my mouth, started eating, and ignored everyone else. I blocked them from my mind and focused on the heaven in front of me. And it felt good to finally eat and satisfy my belly.

A few minutes passed, and I looked at the last piece of food on my plate. I chewed on it very slowly so I could savor the last bite. As I swallowed, I heard chuckles all around me. I blinked and looked up to see my family and friends laughing at me. "Is there a problem?"

"You do realize that you ate my sandwich as well, right?" Jude asked, and I frowned at him. I did not understand what he was saying... Okay, I did. No need to lie.

"Ye... No. I did? When?" I raised my eyebrows innocently. Dad patted my back since he was on my left and Jess was on my right. Jude was in front of me – of course, the table was between us — and the rest were seated around us. Lexi, you do not need to complicate your mind with the seating arrangement every damn time!

"Pumpkin, you did eat his sandwich," dad replied with a grin, and I sighed.

I, for once, felt bad. I glanced at Jude with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I was too hungry to realize. Come with me. I will buy you something to eat, and don't say no because I will drag you by your ear!" I ordered firmly. My brothers shared a look and nodded, then they pushed Jude out of his chair, who almost fell on the floor.

"What's wrong with you all?" Jude glared, and he looked hot when he was angry.

"You and Holden are our best friends, and we saved you from a close public humiliation. If we didn't do that, you'd surely be dragged by your ear. Trust us, we know how embarrassing that is!" he explained, then he looked at me in horror.

It was true; a few years ago, we were in a mall, shopping for Christmas, when Arlo and Theo refused to help me pick a gift for Milo. So, me being me, I seized their ears and walked them to the store. It was embarrassing for my brothers but joyful for me. I enjoyed every nanosecond of it.

Jude looked at me like he was debating in his head, but eventually, he gave up. There was one thing that shocked me to the core, though... My brothers actually let a boy near me, and alone! I hoped nothing wrong would happen. "They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag..." I sang as we walked to the food stand. Jude looked down at me with a terrific smile.

"What's the occasion?" he asked, referring to the song, and I grinned.

"This is the first time my brothers allowed me to walk with a guy alone," I declared. I chuckled at how stupidly protective my brothers were of me, but I did not blame them though...

"Suddenly, I feel special," he pointed out with a smirk, and I felt shy. Why is he making me feel this way? It is a weird feeling, but nice.

"You kind of are," I admitted, without realizing that I said that out loud, so I stopped walking. "F-for m-my brothers, that is!" I added quickly. That was so embarrassing. I should have dragged him here.

"Sure," he said, and I did not know what to say next. He did not believe me. Why would he? Why do I feel nervous? Lexi, man up and get the damn food!

"I don't want to eat something expensive. A sandwich would do," Jude said.

I looked at the food stand and then back at him. "Are you sure?" I asked, and he nodded with the smile that I had grown to love. Love...

Did I love Jude? Did I even like him? I mean, sure, I like him, though I don't know anything about love. I need to ask someone, but who? Brothers are off the list. Mom? Nah. Dad? Absolutely not. Jess? She'd probably tell Holden, who lives with Jude, so no. I think Latoya is the best option.

He got what he wanted, and we walked back to our table. "Thanks," he said.

"No problem, it was my fault after all," I chuckled, and he affectionately rubbed my hair. It felt nice to feel his touch. But, of course, nothing lasted with my family. I felt dad drag me away from Jude right to his chest, and I looked at his face that was already glaring at Jude. Mamma Mia, here we go again.

"I take back what I said. I don't like you," dad stated, and I rolled my eyes. Jude raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"You never said you liked me...." He was not wrong.

"Oh, I must have thought about it, but either way, I take that back, don't touch my pumpkin," dad ordered, and he looked intimidating with his height and all. I felt like someone hit an arrow in my chest when he said those words. I did not want Jude to be away from me.

"You are way overprotective of her. All of you. Why?" Jude asked as we sat in our seats. Dad glanced at me, and I shook my head. I did not tell Jude what happened in my past, but I wanted to soon. Remembering what happened was extremely painful, mentally and physically.

As bright as my dad was, he thought of the most clichéd answer ever in the history of clichés. "It's not my story to tell," he said, and I looked down. I did not dare to look Jude in the eyes because I would tell him everything with just one glance. I was just not ready yet.

"Okay. Who's going to prank who next?" Jess asked, breaking the tension. Jude raised his hand and grinned at my brothers. So, it was his turn to prank! I hope I'm safe this time. Who am I kidding? He's going to take his revenge on me.

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