Chapter Eight

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"Why didn't you tell me when I landed? You know that I love Starbucks. I should have brought some from California." I whined like there was no tomorrow when we entered the big mall. Theo was in a protective stance walking to my left and Milo to my right while holding my hand. Or dragging me along.

"We forgot." They replied together, and I sighed.

"And quit whining, will ya? I will go and buy a new basketball. Milo, keep a close eye on her!" Theo warned, then hugged me. After that, he stormed to a place around the corner. They loved to overreact or what? I turned my head and looked at Milo, who was in a daze, thinking I hope he was thinking about Latoya. Because if not, someone will die.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, to see if he would start to think of ideas for the best present ever, or if I should.

"Nothing, completely blank. I feel like a big jerk," he replied. His tone was laced with worry. I just shook my head, feeling like a total grown-up.

"Okay, does she love jewelry?" I asked the first thing that came to my mind. She was a girl and most girls loved that stuff. Though, I prefer watermelons. I can't get enough of that delicious flavor, the sweetness of it... I should stop.

"Yeah, I guess, but not a big fan. She wears it from time to time," he replied, and I hooked my hand with his. I smiled.

"Let's go then," I declared. "Quick question: You work, right?" I asked, realizing that I almost knew nothing about their lives here. What a bad sister! Wait, no. I'm a wonderful sister, they are the ones who didn't explain anything to me. It's not my fault.

Milo turned his head to my side and nodded. "Yes, all of us do. I work at a pizza place which pays me a good amount of money because I'm the one who makes them most of the time. Theo coaches little kids' basketball three times a week, and Arlo works at a garage near the dorms almost every day after classes are over. Where do you think we get the money from?" He asked like it was so obvious and clear for me to know. Ha, not.

"Mom," I replied, with full honesty. Mom made a good amount of money from her job, but it was hard to take care of four kids, alone.

"She helps us pay the university's tuition fees, though Theo has made it so much easier for Mom because he was here thanks to a basketball scholarship. We complete the rest of the payment and get our own allowance from our own jobs. We're independent," he explained, with a twinkle in his eyes. Proud, he was, and I felt bad for Mom. She was doing so much work and I was doing nothing.

"Then I want to work too," I stated, and Milo stopped abruptly. I looked at him with a confused expression displayed on my face. "What?" I asked.

"No, you won't, you don't need it. It's all covered, and you will get your allowance from us. We already talked about it with Mom," he countered, with a smile. When did they talk about that? Like seriously, I was here for one day and I'm sure it was a last-minute thing.

"But it's not fair," I whined, for the fifth time today. He just smirked.

"Not fair indeed. I'm twenty-three and still get grounded, thanks to someone I know," he huffed, then ruffled my hair. I scoffed, then placed my palm on my chest, where the heart was located.

"Ah, excuse me? Why do you think you got grounded? You deserved it. Now, let's enter," I replied, with a grin, then stood in front of a jewelry store that looked elegant and classical.

"Whatever, let's go." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me inside. As we stepped in, we were greeted with loud yelling. Not again.

"Milo Houston, you jerk. How could you do that? I should have known!" Some lady came up to us while holding a golden necklace that looked so beautiful and well designed. As I was staring at the necklace, the lady stood up in front of Milo, with a deadly glare. What's up with her? Oh no, don't tell me he was actually cheating? Like for real?

"Hey, Alice, calm down. You're making a scene!" Milo tried to calm her down. He forgot that I was there.

"No, she won't calm down. You've been cheating on your girlfriend with her? What's wrong with you?" I scolded, with crossed arms and a big glare. The lady just looked at me, bewildered by my words, I guess.

"He's not cheating with me, he's cheating on my best friend with you!" she explained, and then I cursed under my breath. Why it's always my fault. Poor Milo. I sighed deeply, then smiled at her.

"I'm his sister," I countered in a tired tone, and she took a second to register what I just said. Then, she facepalmed herself.

"I'm so sorry. What a misunderstanding we've got here. That's so awkward..." she commented, and I chuckled. I looked at Milo and saw him sitting on a chair, leaning back on it and totally ignoring us. "I'm sorry, Milo, for accusing you without knowing the truth," Alice — the lady — apologized, then turned her gaze and looked at me.

"Latoya thought that he was cheating on her with me too, so no biggie." I shrugged it off and then held my hand out for her to shake. She did this with a huge smile that showed her adorable dimple. I introduced myself. "I'm Lexi, by the way, nice to meet you."

"I'm Alice, Latoya's best friend," she replied, then I remembered what Latoya told us when she explained why she acted in a dramatic way.

"You're the best friend who got cheated on?" I found myself asking without even thinking of my stupid question. Shit. Before I could apologize, she let out a bitter laugh.

"Yeah, she mentioned that?" she asked, and I nodded." He was a douchebag jerk, so I'm glad we ended it. I'm now single and proud, it's like tasting freedom all over again," she explained, and I chuckled at her words. She seemed relaxed and not desperate. Not like the girls in movies where they face a Hits Like A Hurricane break-up; she was chilled and I liked that.

"Yeah, who needs boys anyway when we have food?" I exclaimed, and Milo clapped his hands for me.

"That's my baby sister over there. No need for boys," he commented, then stood up and hugged me tightly. I just rolled my eyes, with a smile.

"Anyway... We are here for the present, so, Alice, do you work here?" I asked, as I turned and released myself from Milo's grip. She walked to a counter and placed the golden necklace on it.

"Yes, how can I help you?" she asked, putting the professional mask on.

"We want to buy a gift for Latoya. Tomorrow is our one-year-anniversary," Milo answered, and Alice nodded in understanding.

"Sure... Wait, tomorrow?" she asked, with wide eyes. My reaction, exactly.

"Yes," he replied, tilting his head down, feeling ashamed as he should be.

"Why now? Last minute?" she asked, and you could sense the hint of anger in her tone. I looked at Milo and saw him thinking of an excuse to get himself out of this situation. I had to help because he faced a lot today.

"He waited for me to come and help him pick the best gift. And because I just arrived from California, he had to do it last minute," I explained in a calm tone. I could be a good liar if I wanted to.

"Oh, that's good then. Let's see what we've got here," Alice said, then went and grabbed a big box. She opened it to reveal a collection of beautiful, cute necklaces and earrings.

"We've got to buy her something from those," I pointed out, with an excited tone. Who knew being with your brother at a mall could be so much fun?

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