Chapter Forty One

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After we informed my parents of Edmund and what had happened to me at the airport, they said they would be back in a week, if not sooner. I was happy to hear they would return, but I did not tell them that because I did not want them to worry too much. They had jobs that needed to be done, and I did not want to step in their way. I did not want to be a burden.

I was sitting in the library, reading a psychology book about dealing with anger and fear when I felt a gentle tap on my right shoulder. I lifted my head from the exciting and informative text. I saw Gabriel with two books in his hands, smiling at me. "I thought you could use some company," he said in a cheerful tone, and I nodded with a slight smile. I was alone in the library without any of my brothers or friends or Jude because I needed some alone time, and they agreed.

My brothers knew that what I had been through this past week was too much to handle, and I needed to collect my shattered pieces. Of course, Gabriel did not know that. Everyone had a chapter they did not read aloud. I was abused, but I survived the ache and agony with the help of my family. My heart and mind were broken, yet I was strong and fought with all my might. "Gabriel, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, ask away," he replied, then crossed his arms over his chest with his usual cheerful smile. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. He was handsome, but Jude was more attractive.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer, but where were you before you appeared one day beside your sister? Why were you absent for so long?" I asked and waited. I heard snippets of the conversation when he reprimanded his sister, but I needed the whole story if he did not mind sharing it. I did not expect an answer because it might have been too private, and I respected that, but I did expect a reaction.

He did not react; he just stared at the books and had this sad look on his always cheerful face. Suddenly, I felt bad for asking, but the curiosity killed the cat. "I've been with my dear grandma." He raised his head and looked me in the eyes. "She was hospitalized for more than a year and had no one but me to stay and keep her company. My parents always traveled overseas for work, and you saw my useless sister. She's good for nothing, so I decided to stay with grandma and help her fight her darkest and most painful days. I didn't want her to feel like she was alone when she actually had someone to stay with her. It was my duty, and I was happy to do it. Although she was my grandma, she was like a mother more than my real mom was and will ever be. I cherished her so much that it hurt ten times worse when she passed away and left me behind. Her death broke me, and when none of my family members attended her funeral, I realized they were awful. It was just me and her old friends and my only uncle," he explained quietly, then sighed deeply.

I took everything in and thought he had suffered greatly, not just from his grandma's death but also from his useless and inconsiderate family. "I'm sorry to hear that, and I have no words to say to make you feel better except... Your sister is useless," I remarked with a grin to lift up the mood, and it worked, as he laughed. "Now, keep on reading, and I will continue my book. Thank you for sharing that story with me, Gabriel," I said, and he nodded, then we planted our faces in books again.


"Finally, the day is over!" Arlo exclaimed as soon as we stepped foot into the dorms. The classes felt longer than usual because we were going to a horse-riding race. I was a participant in the race, and I was excited. It had been a while since I last rode on a horse. "Now, everyone, wear something comfy so we can cheer on my baby sis freely. Sweatpants will do," he added, and we all chuckled. I went to our room, got my horse-riding outfit, and entered the bathroom. After I finished preparing myself, I saw everyone outside the dorms, waiting for me to show up with their hands crossed. What? Wearing skinny pants is not easy!

"Great, let's go. I'm so excited for my best friend to rock the race," Jess commented, and we all got into the cars. "You will win today! I do not want my cheering to go to waste, got it?" she ordered, and I felt kind of threatened, so I nodded quickly and gulped. Man, she can be scary. God bless you, Holden!


After we got to the racecourse, we walked to the horses. Milo told me that he had already picked one for me and everything was prepared. I was so surprised that the beautiful creature looked exactly like the horse I used to ride back home. It was pure white with a black spot on its left eye. The horse was gorgeous, and I was astonished by its calmness. "He looks like Lulu, right? Except this horse is a male, and you always rode on a female horse. It's time for a little change, no?" Milo said with a challenging look, and I nodded in confidence.

"He's handsome. Thank you." I patted the horse's head, and he leaned down so he could be on eye level with me. I could already tell that he was intelligent and well-built. I looked at the sign next to him and read his name. "Leo... Are you as fast as the Leo?" I asked him, then rested my forehead on his. I glanced at Jude and saw him lipsync: "Good luck, love," and I smiled brightly at him. My group stood on the sidelines to cheer.

"To all contestants — gather on the starting line so we can begin the race," the announcer said, and we lined up. We were ten contestants, so it was not crowded, and the prize was five movie tickets. I was in it for the thrill and not the award. "The rules are simple: no pushing anyone off a horse, and you cannot play dirty. You must follow the yellow arrows, leading you to the finishing line." I took a deep breath and patted Leo's head. "On your marks... Go!" As soon as the announcer rang the bell, Leo and I waited until everyone else was out of sight. That was my method. Always be patient and then run at full speed.

"Go, Lexi!" My brothers knew about my method. They believed in me and said Go after my path was totally clear. I yanked the rein, and we dashed to the hill.

I did not know that my book would take an unexpected turn of events, and I was unprepared for it. 

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