Chapter Five

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I opened the main door to the dorm to see a very big and vast hallway that was made for playing slide with your socks. I looked in all directions, admiring the place, then I spotted three modern doors. Lined up next to each other, but not that close, they were like fifteen meters away from each other. How long can this building be? "What're the two extra doors for?" I asked my brothers while pointing at the doors. They looked at me, then frowned like they remembered something bad that could kill me. I hope not.

"Um, ah, our best friends live there. Well, some of them are," Theo announced, and I froze, and my eyes widened. "Let's be clear for a minute, you won't make any physical or eye contact with them. They can be players who might break your sweet heart into tiny pieces... Well, Jude could be one, I'm not sure, but Holden is nice, I guess. Either way, don't go near the both of them, and we'll make sure they don't go near you," he added in a rush. Not wanting me to say anything, but I didn't care. I never cared. To be honest.

"Why?" I asked, with narrow eyes. "They're your best friends, why can't I talk with them? If you don't trust them that much, why are you best friends with them?" I asked, with raised eyebrows, challenging them to disagree with me. I was right.

"He never said you can't talk with us. Theo said, and I quote: ′You won't make any physical or eye contact with them, so, basically, he didn't mention the speaking part." A voice that belonged to a guy declared. I turned to look at him, but then Arlo hugged me from behind, bringing me closer to him. The guy came out of the dorm that was on the left and walked towards us. As he went to give me a handshake, my brothers shielded me, and Arlo tightened his grip. Damn their protectiveness.

"No, don't touch her, Jude. I know that you're my best friends and all, but don't you dare touch my baby sister," Theo seethed, with a glare. He snatched me from Arlo, brought me to his arms and squeezed the poor life out of me. After some dreadful seconds in his arms, I hit his back to signal that I was dying, and he loosened his grip a bit.

"Theo, don't be such an idiot, and I'm not a baby. For all I know, he could be Bob Marley in disguise, and I still won't talk to him," I said, but then realized what I just said and shook my head. "No, wait... Bob Marley is cool and I love him, so let me rephrase my sentence a bit." I thought for a second then grinned. "You can be you, and I won't talk to you," I said to him, then shrugged. I was too hungry to think of anyone to make a good comeback with. Jude chuckled, which made him earn a glare from my brothers.

Now that I took a closer look at his facial features, he was quite charming, to tell you the truth. He had dreamy blue eyes that could attract any woman on this planet; dark brown hair — almost black — that was messy, but in a sexy way, and a perfect jawline that had a small beard styled in a way that made him look manlier. He was tall all right. Then, finally, my eyes landed on his hot of a body. He was masculine in a reasonable and wonderful way. In conclusion, he was handsome with the bad boy vibes. "Hey, guys," another voice sang in a cheerful tone. I turned my gaze to the source and saw a very cute guy, with brown skin, a little curly brown hair, and very beautiful green eyes. I believed that he was of mixed race, and it made him look unique. Wow, are those real? His eyes were wow. My brothers looked at him and softened their expressions, then smiled.

"Hey, Holden." Arlo greeted, then fist-bumped him. His eyes are so distracting, like are they real? The greenest eyes I've ever seen in my life.

Holden looked at me, then raised his eyebrows. "Theo... Is this your girlfriend?" He asked my brother, which made us cringe with crunched noses, and I jumped out of Theo's grip.

"Ew, no, he's my brother," I stated, then stared at Holden.

"Yeah, dude. She's my little sister," Theo commented, then laughed.

"So, you're the infamous sister of the Houston brothers. I'm Holden. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand for me to shake, and I gladly did. Without any interference from my brothers. That was weird. Something bad will happen. I'm sure. They let me touch a guy without any death glares or punches.

"Nice to meet you too, and my name is Lexi," I greeted back with a warm smile. Maybe he is nice and my brothers know it. After I pulled back and stood next to Milo, Jude scoffed.

"So, you let him touch her and not me?" He asked my brothers, with a confused expression displayed on his handsome face. Milo wrapped his arm around my shoulder and grinned.

"He has a girlfriend, you don't." He answered him in a matter-of-fact tone. That was the reason.

"Tsk." Jude looked annoyed, but then returned to his natural expression.

"You guys live together?" I asked Jude and Holden, and they nodded.

"Yeah," Holden replied. I then looked at the other door that was to the right.

"Then who lives in the last dorm?" I asked all of the boys and waited for their reply.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became thick and it was not because of the dark clouds. Milo's hand squeezed my shoulder. "Do not, under any circumstances, go near that dorm. We ignore them, you ignore them. They're bad news, end of the story," Theo replied, with a firm and an angry look. Weird.

"Okay..." I nodded. I didn't want to cause a scene over this. Whatever it was, it was not good. But, of course, I had to ask... "Why though?"

Milo sighed, then made me look at him. "Lexi, trust us. You don't want to know." He stroked my hair gently, then started leading me to their dorm.

"Yes, he's right," Jude pointed out while walking behind us. I huffed, then entered their huge dorm. Like what the hell? It's a home. A House. Not a dorm.

As I was staring at it with a gaped mouth, Arlo tapped my chin and let me close my mouth. "I'll take that as a sign of approval." He countered with a smile and the boys chuckled.

"It's amazing!" I commented, then started walking forward, not seeing where I was standing. That was a terrible idea. I tripped. Well, almost tripped.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist; I looked up and saw Jude with a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked in a husky tone that made me shiver. As I went to reply, I was snatched away from Jude's grip, back into Milo's arms.

"Jude!" Milo warned, and Jude lifted his arms up in the air in a surrender pose.

"She was about to fall. Chill," he reasoned, and I nodded.

"Yes, Milo, if he didn't catch me, then I'd have fallen to the floor." I looked down and saw their underwear and shirts littered on the floor. "It's because of your dirty laundry," I snapped, with an angry tone, and they looked around them.

"Who told you it's dirty laundry?" Theo asked, with a smirk, thinking he burned me with his reply. I smiled.

"And who told you that you could throw it to the floor, whether clean or dirty?" I asked back, and his smirk fell off of his face, and it was replaced with regret.

"Dude, you just got burned," Holden laughed, along with my brothers and Jude.

"Whatever..." Theo said, then started cleaning the floor. As I went to bend down to help him, Milo tightened his grip around me.

"You won't do anything, you have to rest. You're our baby sis and I love you," he remarked while putting his chin on top of my head.

"Fin–" As I went to reply, I got interrupted by a female's voice yelling "Milo".

The woman screamed, with tears running down her face. She looked disappointed and angry. No... she looked livid and furious. "You jerk," she added. Who is that woman? Either way, she looked like she was ready to kill someone, and by someone... Milo.

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