Chapter Sixteen

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When we got home, we watched movies until twelve, then decided to sleep. Arlo and I headed to our room, and when he stepped through the door, he collapsed on his bed and was fast asleep. I, on the other hand, did not feel like sleeping. I wanted to do something — something fun.

As I was rolling on my bed, I decided to go and make myself a peanut butter sandwich. That was a fun thing to do — eat. Two in the morning, I opened the door and walked on my tiptoes to the kitchen. Imagine how funny it would be to find a thief trying to steal my peanut butter! Wait, I would be furious. No one steals my food. Just imagine.

As I walked to the kitchen, my breath hitched because I noticed what I just thought was too funny to even happen. I foreshadowed my future; it was supposed to be the author's job. I saw a tall man — or a muscular woman — facing the fridge. They were gazing at the food. I did not know if it was a "he" or "she" because their back was facing me, and it was dark.

I quickly grabbed a vase that was coincidentally near me. My first instinct was to scream, but I ran to the thief like a lunatic and hit him — or her — on the head with the solid, big vase. He — or she — fell to the ground with a thud, and I walked to the light switch and turned it on. I then screamed. Obviously!

I screamed, yes. But not because he was a she or a thief... I yelled because I saw a familiar face. Fudging Jude. Well... A lifeless fudging Jude lying on the floor, to be more precise. "Shit," I muttered, then the kitchen was suddenly filled with my panicking brothers.

"I killed him," I cried, kneeled down next to him. "Jude, wake up!" I yelled, but he did not move. I considered slapping him, but no. "Guys, I think he's dead," I stated in a deadly tone. The irony.

"What happened?" They all asked while looking scared and concerned, and I winced at their loud tone. I put my hands up in surrender.

"To my defense, I thought he was a thief. So, I did the only logical thing to do... I hit him on his head with that vase." I explained the matter in a calm tone, then pointed at the vase that was lying on the counter. Milo sat next to Jude and placed his fingers on his neck to check for a pulse. He let out a sigh of relief and nodded. I closed my eyes and thanked God that I did not accidentally kill him.

"He's just unconscious. Let's carry him to the couch," Milo announced and began lifting his body up carefully. Theo and Arlo groaned, then helped Milo.

"It's not my fault, right?" I asked after we sat before Jude and waited for him to wake up. Theo looked at me and shook his head. Milo put an ice bag on Jude's head.

"Of course not. It's Jude's fault. He did not tell us he was here, and I would think he was a thief too and probably attack him," he replied, and I nodded.

Why in the hell was he here? Was he that hungry? Did he eat all of his food, and that's why he came to eat ours?


"Ugh..." We heard a groan of pain and snapped our heads in Jude's direction. He was shifting in his place, then began opening his eyes. "It hurts," he complained when he fully opened his eyes and analyzed the situation. His hand made its way to his head and rubbed it. I felt so bad. "What happened?" he asked when I handed him a cup of water. He drank it and waited for us to answer.

"It was your fault!" I quickly said, then facepalmed myself. "I mean... I'm sorry. But what were you doing in our kitchen?" I asked in a confused tone. I was not the type of human who would go over-dramatic about a small matter like that. I have seen worse... in movies.

He looked at me, then grinned when he remembered. See? If he could smile, then it was nothing. "Oh, yeah, I was preparing my prank for the boys. But, someone ruined it for me," he remarked, with an attitude I certainly did not like.

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