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"w-where is it?" jungkook searched frantically in his bag, but it wasn't there. "w-where? where is it!?"

jimin, a senior of his, tapped his shoulder and asked him the matter. "where what? what is it that you're finding? you seemed to be too stressed about it." the guy chuckled.

"the... the notebook. i can't find it!" the younger choked a sob, trying to hold back himself from completely crying in front of his hyung.

he rummaged in his lockers and checked if it was there. it wasn't. he scattered his things and looked for a certain notebook colored powdery blue with the words do not open attached to it, but he wasn't able to see it. jungkook felt as if the world has crumbled down to his feet. he lost his diary. his personal journal. the one that he writes on about his thoughts on life. the one that he writes on whenever he is happy or sad. the only thing that he can entrust his deepest secrets. deepest secrets. now what if some random guy had taken it and opened it? what if he reads everything written on there? oh heavens, he's gonna die in embarrassment.

"c'mon kook, calm down! no need to get all worked up or anything." jimin tried comforting the black-haired male, but all he received from him was a shout.

"calm down!? how can i calm down when i lost my diary? my diary, hyung! what if someone reads it? what if they share my secrets to the public? oh God, i'm so dead..." his tears fell down freely on his cheek, as the older wrapped his arms around him.

"shh... shh..." he rubbed circles on jungkook's back, trying to make him feel a bit better. "i'll help you find it, okay? for now, stop crying, please?"

the younger wiped his tears away and attempted to stop himself from crying again. "i... i'll try. just please, please help me finding my notebook."

"we'll find it, okay? calm down a bit." jimin said. jungkook did not say anything in return and just nodded.


they had entered an ice cream parlor and settled down on one of the tables. jungkook stared outside of the glass windows, still feeling upset and frustrated about the sudden loss of his blue-colored diary. he swears that if he finds out who is the culprit behind all of these, he's going to kill him immediately.

jimin came back holding two plastic cups of ice cream in his small hands, handing one to jungkook. the younger reluctantly accepted it, and opened the lid of the cup. as he took a small scoop of the dessert, his mind had wandered off once again, to the thoughts of where his notebook could have possibly gone. he feels thoroughly annoyed and upset that he couldn't find it until now. this food trip he's having with his jimin-hyung right now was supposed to be a search for his lost diary, but his hyung had complained that he's getting exhausted in every second, and suggested that they stop at the ice cream shop they always hung out in for a while. jungkook felt like he had no choice but to say yes, since the older has been helping him in his search for about an hour already.

they heard the shop's door opening, revealing a brown-haired guy in the name of kim namjoon. he lined up to buy a popsicle for himself, and was planning to go home when he saw jimin waving his hands at him, while jungkook continuously stared outside the windows, a huge frown on his face.

"hey," he waved back a hello as he took a seat for himself. "what's up? why does jungkook seem to have the world on his shoulders? what's the matter?"

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