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"hey kook," he greeted, which startled the younger. jungkook was walking all alone in the hallway, looking like he's trying to figure something out. his brows were knitted in the middle, his nose slightly scrunched, and his lips formed a little of what taehyung could only think was a pout he looked cute, no matter how manly he always tried to act. "what's up?"

the slightly shorter guy avoided his gaze and looked down on the floor. the older can recall how their misunderstanding— taehyung sees it that way— started with being like this, too. he feared that this one might end up being like that one, but the brunette felt kind of certain that it wouldn't be. "n-nothing much. i-i have to go now. bye."

     the dark-haired lad sped his pace up a bit, as his hyung just watched him turn to the corner toward the exit of the building. he sighed, a heavy one, as he trudged back to where he was supposed to be going. maybe he made the boy dumbfounded. they have been distancing themselves from one another for how many days— a week and a half already, in reality— and out of the blue taehyung will suddenly greet jungkook like there's no drama happening between them. the younger was just guarding himself from what might possibly happen if the two of them meet. he's avoiding the brown-haired boy because he's just scared. but taehyung understands that he has hurt jungkook many times that it's no wonder he's trying to stay away from him now.

      another sigh left his lips and he exited the campus. the streets were getting noisier each passing minute since most of the classes are done by this time. taehyung saw some of his schoolmates flocking different fastfoods and stores, but he gave no attention to them. some familiar faces greeted him, but all he gave them was a smile and continued his walk. upon reaching a certain coffee shop, he grinned widely. as he opened the glass doors, he saw his best friend at the counter, waiting for a customer and doing the chore taehyung always sees him do, wiping the counter top.

"welcome! what's your order, sir?" his hyung asked him as he hastily finished the chore. taehyung chuckled to himself seeing how polite seokjin was when working. the boy was always courteous and upright, but when it comes to them all of that fades away and he becomes the cheeky guy that he is.

he played along with the dialogue. "one mocha frappe, small." he wasn't the type who liked coffee, but jin was really fun to tease. the said lad looked upon him and scowled like he was the worst thing he could ever see.

"you really like to pester me, don't you?" jin scoffed at him.

"yeah." taehyung chuckled, as the boy scowled more.

      the taller lad started to prepare and brew his order, while he settled down on a seat which is somewhere near the counter so that he can continue bugging his favorite hyung. he placed his bag down and took out some of his books and notebooks, along with the diary. as he returned some of those he wouldn't be using, he remembered the encounter he had with jimin in the library just a few days ago. with that memory, he tried to be careful as he hid the diary between some pages of a book. his order came soon, just as when he's about to read the entry after the one where he stopped.

"here's your order. now, let me finish some of my work and just wait here." jin told him, walking away afterwards. taehyung just laughed to himself and proceeded in reading the entry.


  i'm such a weakling. i easily give up and i cannot even stand for myself. i'm such a gullible guy and i easily fall for someone's words, even though i know that those were just lies. taehyung-hyung pulled me to the restrooms again. asked me what's the problem. we argued and for the second time around, he kissed me and told me that everything's gonna be fine. no, i don't think it is. i don't think i'm gonna be fine with this situation. but i fell for his words again. they made me feel better, that i don't know what to believe anymore.

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