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      taehyung sat on a stool as he waited for seokjin to finish his shift for the day. it was a saturday morning, and jin was about to finish work; it's already 11:45 am, and his shift ends in 12:05. he drank from his cup of coffee, as his mind drowned itself on thoughts about the diary, about jungkook. his jin-hyung kept on glancing towards his direction, taehyung can feel it, and so he gave the boy a reassuring smile every time their eyes met. but he wasn't feeling so well today, for days even, since his brain can't seem to get off on thoughts about what happened between him and jungkook.

taehyung felt his heart clench again.

      ever since that day, all he wanted to do was to return the diary and sort out his emotions. he's always been at jin and yoongi's since then, but neither of the two can help him with his problem; seokjin was always busy with his thesis and his part-time job here in the coffee shop, and yoongi was focusing on making his own music and composing his own songs. the guy doesn't even have any idea of what he has done. he's been dealing with this thing all alone by himself, and honestly, he has no clue of anything on how to solve this problem. he felt really lost. he felt really, really lost.

      a few more minutes passed by and seokjin's shift finally came to an end. with the older kim having to change into some clothes, taehyung waited a bit more before the raven-haired boy left the restroom, fully changed. he sat on the stool beside the brunette and took out something from his bag. he handed the thing to the younger, and it turned out to be the journal taehyung has been keeping for months. he stared at his hyung, his face blank, void of any emotions.

he heard seokjin huff as the older stared at him incredulously. "i can't believe that you left this inside my dorm. my freaking dorm, taehyung! you know that it's not only me who stays there, right? min yoongi shares that dorm with me, for pete's sake."

"you don't have to worry anymore. i'll be returning this when i find the perfect timing." he told the person on the other. jin's eyebrows formed into a knit.

the older kim looked confused. "what? i thought you wanna know him more so that you can get closer to him? what has gotten in your mind again, tae? you are freaking confusing."

taehyung looked down on his drink, playing with the straw. "i don't see the purpose of getting close to a person who wants to shut you away from their lives," the coffee-haired boy said, and jin can only gaze at him with sympathy for his friend. "what's the sense of pushing in when he wants me to stay out of his life?"

"just what exactly had happened that day?" the older asked the boy, still a bit perplexed and troubled about the younger.

taehyung beamed a smile, a sad one, and gazed at the sight outside the glass panes of the coffee shop. "i was planning to clear things with him, but he had ended it before i could," he sneered. "he didn't even give me a chance to explain. he immediately said that we weren't friends and that's it."

"he's probably shell-shocked about everything, the guy might not mean what he said," his best friend tried to to make him feel better. "but if it's your decision to stop, then go. who am i to object, anyway?"

"but sort out things first, taehyung."

he did. he did sort out things for weeks.

but it kept shouting at him to stop.

the younger of the two smiled. a little one, but still a smile. "yeah. excuse me, i'm going to the restroom."

      he walked away, heading off to the comfort rooms, unable to notice the smirk coming from kim seokjin's face.

"that guy," he let out a low 'tsk' and simpered to himself. "never thought he'll be at the point of giving up."

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