Eyes up, Guardian

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A/N: This is my first fanfiction and my grammar isn't the best, so show me some mercy. Any tips and criticism are appreciated, thank you and hope you enjoy.

The Cosmodrome once a bastion of human miracles has now been reduced to a desert, a dystopia, a grave. The Ghost hated going here, it always reminds him of all the horror he saw during the years not to mention the dangers surrounding him now but that doesn't matter. After centuries of searching, he finally found his warrior, a protector, the reason he was created; he needed to act fast before the pirates get a hold of him.

The ghost began scanning the area trying to pinpoint the location of the strange energy he picks up earlier. After a few minutes of searching he found him; a body that surprisingly was still somewhat intact. With his calculations, this body was well over 4,000 years old, possibly even more but that's something he'll deal with later. With his scan finished he started the resurrection process.

A big ball of light erupted from the ground illuminating the area, the body started to take form creating muscle tissue, then skin. The face formed revealing a young man at the physical age of 19 or 20 with a bright hair color of yellow, he also has what appeared to be whiskers on his cheeks. Clothes began to cover the rest of his body as the resurrection process was almost finished. The area darkened signaling the completion of the resurrection.

"Guardian..." the ghost called trying to get the man attention. "Eyes up, guardian" the ghost spoke and failing again to get the man attention.

"Where am I?" the man spoke clearly with a groggy voice still recuperating. "What happened?"

"Over here, Guardian." The Ghost finally gained his attention.

"AHHH!"The man screamed swatting away the flying piece of metal away from him. "What are you?!" he asked while trying to gain his footing.

"HEY, WHY DID YOU DO THAT I'M ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU!" the ghost screamed. "Look there's no time argue or explain, we have to get out of here NOW!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you, where am I, why does my body hurt, what am I wearing?!" the man looked like he was having a panic attack.

"You've been dead for a very long time you see..." An inhuman scream was heard, startling the two.

"Oh no, they found us!" the fear in the ghost voice caused the man to panic even more. Another scream was heard from another direction.

"Quick, enter the wall!" the ghost said as he disappeared.

"Hey, where did you go, don't leave me alone with whatever out there!"

"I'm not gone just head inside the wall in front of you." the man heard as if the bug was inside his head.

The man thought about his options. Ether trust the metal bug or find out what's out there screaming like a maniac. After a moment of hesitation, he started jogging to the wall still suffering from whatever happened to him. He entered the wall via a door and processed to follow the stairs. The setting seemed strange to the young man; these were things he had never seen before, a giant metal contraption with weird shapes passed him as he keeps climbing the stairs. He then notices a strange creature climbing the wall like it was some parasite.

"This place is so strange." the man explained as he continued to walk the corridor. A loud alarm activated, making the structure to shake slightly.

The alarm scared the man as he started to hear screaming and multiple footsteps heading his way. At a moment notice, strange projectiles stated to hit his surroundings. At this point, he started running to the nearing door to take cover. He met a long hallway along with strange contraptions in the way.

The ghost rematerialized in front of him which amazed the young guardian.

"Quick grab the Khovostov," the ghost said only to recessive a blank stare like the words were rejected from his subconscious.

"What are you waiting for grab it!" the ghost began to shoot a strange stream of blue light on the weapon. With the message well received the guardian grab the gun. He didn't seem to know the gun even was a gun. The ghost sighed knowing that they probably won't make it to the tower.

"Look all you have to do is aim and fire, simple." the guardian was analyzing the gun they heard a loud bang from the ceiling. A strange creature fell from the hole in the ceiling and made eye contact with the guardian, it was staring right through him looking at him like he nothing but pray. The creature let out a warrior cry and started charging.

"Go on, fire!" the ghost screamed. The guardian stumbled on his movements as he tried to use the gun.


The screaming only caused to the guardian to stumble even more and drop the gun. With the creature mere inches away the guardian did the only thing that came to mind and clenched his fist, he hurled it forwards and punched it with such force that it launched all the way back to the hallway.

"Damn, that some strength there, for a warlock." The ghost said as he dematerialized again.

The guardian was reeling from the punch, clenching his fist. He wasn't expecting to output such force, but that wasn't causing his pain it was his head. So many voices were in his head, all talking at the same.

"Guardian... GUARDIAN!" he didn't listen, he was on one voice that one voice that got his attention:

"I believe in you Naruto."

"Na...ru... to?" the guardian whispered.

"GUARDIAN!" this broke him of his trance bringing him back to reality.

"More fallen are coming!" yelled the ghost "We need to move."

After that, he grabs the gun and processed to move forward. At that moment more fallen arrived blocking his way. With no way out his only option is to push forward. With that goal, he held his gun, aimed and fired.

A/N: If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope my grammar didn't you that much. Well then hope to see you next time.

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