What have you done?!

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Mount Myōboku, Island Turtle or Kaguya's Dimensions can't compare to the strangeness of this cave. It's as if reality was forming, dissolving and reforming in front of him. The area he was walking on was turned into a research station. Countless Scientist was on site studying these strange artifacts. Although all this gain his interest it wasn't why he was here. He was on a mission to help find the Third Tsuchikage who disappeared while exploring the cave.

He came with Sakura and Sai. Sakura was helping with research while Sai went in deeper in the cave to search for the Tsuchikage. Naruto went over to the tent where Sakura was. Sakura was studying a ball of yellow light in the middle. She with among many others were fascinated with this ball. Naruto wasn't too interested and it seems Kurotsuchi shared the same disinterest. All she cared about was finding her grandfather.

Naruto walks up to the ball of light. He didn't understand the allure of the light so he thought he'd poke it to see what would happen.

"NARUTO! What are you doing!?" Sakura yelled at him as if yelling at a child.

"Doing my own Experiments."

"Naruto this is serious. People have disappeared in this cave and this light could be a clue to finding them."

"I know but its taken too long."

"So the first thing you do when encountering an unknown object is to poke it?"


"This is a delicate piece to the puzzle. So please, go be stupid somewhere else." Naruto grunted and went to the corner where Kurotsuchi was.

"You're right." Naruto looks up at Kurotsuchi who had her arms cross. "They're focusing more on the ball than the Tsuchikage."

"Eh, I can see why they're doing it. The deeper you go down the cave the lower your chances of coming back. Well, that's what people were saying to me. Got me worried about Sai in all honesty. His squad went deeper than any other Researcher had."

"Well if you two are bored up here then feel free to go deeper in the cave." Both Shinobi look next to them and sees Ebisu. "We haven't heard anything from Sai's team in a while. So we're looking for volunteers to go down and see if they're okay."

"I'll go." Kurotsuchi puffs her chest ready to go into danger. Naruto jumps in.

"I'll go with her."

"All right, I'll inform the others. Be careful you two. Who knows what lies in this cave."

Kurotsuchi grabs her equipment and heads towards the smalls entrance around the large bronze door. Naruto was behind her but Sakura grabs his arm and turns him around to face her. She held a face of worry on her.

"Naruto, please be careful. Just the mere thought of exploring this place is asking for trouble."

"Stop worrying. They probably got lost or something. I'll just gonna bring them back to the surface." Sakura doubts his words. But, it was Naruto. She knows he can do the impossible. Sakura takes a deep breath.

"Report as soon as you can. And don't do anything stupid!"

"I'll try!"

Naruto darted towards the hole next to the door where Kurotsuchi was. She enters the tunnel first with Naruto following behind her. Both were crawling on all four trying to get to the other side.

"It's so damn dark! I can't see a thing."

"Well, I have a nice view."

Kurotsuchi blushes. With Naruto close behind her while crawling she knew what he was implying. She raises her leg and kicks Naruto right on the jaw. Finally reaching the other side both Shinobi got out the hole with Naruto holding his sore jaw. After a bit of walking they encounter a large pit.

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